The Hx 3.9 fw thread

Personally, I think most of us would like to kick the old Hybrid cab engine to the curb so some tweaking might be necessary.
You may not be able to elaborate, but I’d love to know more about this. It’s interesting both from a technical and product perspective.

You are talking about the pre 3.5 cab engine? Or was there some other limitation that impacts the new cab implementation.

I’ve almost totally migrated from the York Audio stuff back to the new Hx cabs - I think you did a great job there.
You may not be able to elaborate, but I’d love to know more about this, as it’s interesting both from the technical and product perspectives.

You are talking about the pre 3.5 cab engine? Or was there some other limitation that impacts the new cab implementation.

I’ve almost totally migrated from the York Audio stuff back to the new Hx cabs - I think you did a great job there.
Yeah, it's crappy compared to the new cabs. I'm just surmising that we probably wouldn't bring it forward to any new multieffects platform we'd ever build.
We plan on selling Helix/HX boxes for many years still.
Never thought there's a market for this. Boy was I wrong!
We plan on selling Helix/HX boxes for many years still. If we ever get around to a new flagship, I imagine we'd want existing Helix/HX users to upgrade and the easiest path would be to support some amount of backwards compatibility. Personally, I think most of us would like to kick the old Hybrid cab engine to the curb so some tweaking might be necessary.
Come on then DI, what’ve you got coming up for us with the next update, give us a clue? And when?