I was so glad we got the bass wah, the Extasy, and the EVH! Those were 3 of the shrinking list of things I really hope end up on the unit.
Still really want a Mark IIc+, or a Mark IV with more of the switches if that adequately would do the IIc+ thing.
A Jubilee would be very nice
And I’ll defer to anyone who’s played real ones of these more than I have - is there anything a real Plexi can do that isn’t here on the Helix already? Do we already have enough with the Plexi, Trem, Placater (and aren’t there a couple of others that share a lot of the same topography too?)? Or is there a gap similar to the one plugged so magnificently by the 2203?
And with those 2 or 3 things, I’m starting to grasp at straws for me personally. Polyphonic synth maybe?
If those things come, even a year or so from now, I’m over the moon. Far and away the best piece of gear I’ve ever bought.