I wanna sorta ride the coat tails of this thread, coz right now I'm thinking about selling my Axe FX III.
Here's the thing:
- At home, I'm concerned with speed. Which is especially important when I have the rest of the band(s) around for a songwriting session. Genuinely, the last 4 or 5 songs we've written across these two bands has been plugged into my RME interface, and the guitars each get a pair of tracks with NDSP's Soldano plugin on them, one for cleans, and one for dirt. Bassist gets the Darkglass plugin, and maybe Helix Native for a chorus or delay effect.
- In the rehearsal studio (and by extension in a live scenario too) I'm concerned with ease of use. Because it is just too time intensive a scenario, and you need to be able to get up and running quickly, and make no mistakes doing it. So.....
I've taken my Axe FX3, Mark V, and the FC-12 controller. I've added the EM midi switcher unit so I can switch channels on the amp from the Axe3. I've prepared a single preset called 'Summerisle 4CM' .... and of course I've got all the necessary cables for 4-cable-method to use that with the amp.
We play one song. Cool. We play the next. Oh, the delay mix and feedback need lowering. Okay. Do that. The next song... oh, I need to switch the channels on the reverb block... okay... do that.
And because my brain is just not capable of planning this all out and approaching it in a logical and methodical way, I end up sorta spinning my wheels and wasting time. It isn't the Axe FX's fault... it is entirely a me thing. But when I have a DD3, DD8, RV5, and MXR Reverb... right there on the floor in front of me... alongside the actual Mark V footswitch unit... there's just no fucking about, nothing goes wrong, and I get speed, I get reliability, and I get ease of use.
So circling back around the studio.... I explained it this way to
@MirrorProfiles earlier on... but the 20% of the time that I do use the Axe3, I use 15% of its capabilities.
And I've paid £2700ish for that???? It doesn't make any kind of sense.
If I was completely
ALL IN balls deep on the Axe3, then it would make sense. But I'm not, and I never will be.
sooooooo... options... I like them, get very enthusastic about having them, but the more I have, the less I achieve it seems to me.
In terms of achieving the tone I want across the whole rig... if I can do it in 4 steps, instead of 20 ... why choose the 20??
So at the moment, I'm looking at my gear and I'm thinking... I've got a lot of money wrapped up in this stuff, and I basically use the same
style of rig that I was using back in 2007 when I properly got started with being in bands.