Synergy Owners Thread

The OG SLO module is a significantly better representation of the SLO preamp but it is the overdrive channel only. I put 5751s in my II module, it is way over gained vs the real deal and the 5751s help bring it down to more realistic levels (and bonus NOS 5751s are cheaper than NOS 12AX7s). The crunch channel is like four or five x the gain of the amp and is really like it's own thing, not representative of the amp.

Ironically you can pick up OG SLO modules used all over the place because people sold them off in lieu of the new one.
I'm half tempted to email Synergy about it, but I have a feeling I'd be unable to relay the message without telling them "it sounds like shit, probably isn't correct, and needs to be fixed." I'd rather just hang onto it until I can sell or trade it for something.
Gotta say, I thought I was taking a risk with the IICP, it’s kinda awesome so far.

I’m living on the Lead Channel (as one does) and you can kind of gain stage it nice just using an OD and the Lead Shift switch. No OD and LS off, excellent rock tones. (Adjust volume 1 to desired level of rawk) Hit it with an OD (LS off) and you are getting nice hard rock saturation, verging on classic high gain. Engage LS with the OD on and she gallops pretty hard. Really interesting gain structure, having so much gain but not feeling oversaturated and washed out.

The SD1 actually works really nice too. Chops off a lot more of the low end than the TS and doesn’t congestion the midrange, so it makes some really clean and articulate gained up tones. Might keep both OD’s wired up and try the OCD next.

Need to wire up the Syn to the Axe and see if mimicking the IIC and Uber power sections with the Tube Pre adds any juice for direct tones vs the LXII.
I thought I was taking a risk with the OS module, and would end up preferring the IICP. Instead, I find that upper mid frequency I talked about to be dominating the sound (rather, I'm hyperfocusing on it), and it just sounds cheap to me. Instead, I ended up loving the OS and now have four of them.
I thought I was taking a risk with the OS module, and would end up preferring the IICP. Instead, I find that upper mid frequency I talked about to be dominating the sound (rather, I'm hyperfocusing on it), and it just sounds cheap to me. Instead, I ended up loving the OS and now have four of them.

I’m not hearing anything jump out at me, but there are so many variables with these sorts of things. (Guitars, pickups, power amps, cabs etc)

I’d like to give the OS a try eventually.
I’m not hearing anything jump out at me, but there are so many variables with these sorts of things. (Guitars, pickups, power amps, cabs etc)

I’d like to give the OS a try eventually.
What I've been doing with the OS module is with the red channel is to set it up like Mesa Mark series (ie little bass etc.) and then put a equalizer pedal (the new Ibanez PTEQ would be ideal but I'm using a MXR10 band) in the effects loop of the synergy before the power amp and do the whole V shape settings.
Sounds pretty good to me
I’m slowly but surely becoming disenchanted with the Synergy stuff. I find myself not loving g any of my modules lately.
Back away for a bit and come back to it. I had to do the same. I had a full Synergy rig for about a year, sold it all, then 6 months later felt the itch again. I dove back in and I’m so happy I did. If I could do it again, I’d have just put it up in the attic for a year or so. You’ll probably feel the same way. The Synergy system is absolutely amazing, and more people should get into it.
I did a dry run recording with the IICP, running it into the Axe and then using the Tube Pre to mimic the IIC+ power amp and it sounds really good. I’m going to compare and contrast that with loading down the LXII and just using the Axe for cab sim and see which one has more juice.

I’m actually more impressed with Synergy in Rd 2 than I was the first time I had it, but I’m still within the 48 hour honeymoon period. There is still time to go OCD and despise it. :ROFLMAO:
I did a dry run recording with the IICP, running it into the Axe and then using the Tube Pre to mimic the IIC+ power amp and it sounds really good. I’m going to compare and contrast that with loading down the LXII and just using the Axe for cab sim and see which one has more juice.

I’m actually more impressed with Synergy in Rd 2 than I was the first time I had it, but I’m still within the 48 hour honeymoon period. There is still time to go OCD and despise it. :ROFLMAO:
I did something with the tube pre model but then I got the fryette powerstation in the self attenuation mode and I haven't used the Fractal modelling since - only using Fractal for cabs and post effects
I’m slowly but surely becoming disenchanted with the Synergy stuff. I find myself not loving g any of my modules lately.
Seems to happen a lot. Unless you have a number of different power amps, they all start sounding pretty similar after a while - especially the British style modules. And swapping them in and out is not the most fun when you like to work quickly.

The power amp thing is a deal breaker if you want authentic sounds and true variety, and if so it defeats the purpose of the Synergy system.
Seems to happen a lot. Unless you have a number of different power amps, they all start sounding pretty similar after a while - especially the British style modules. And swapping them in and out is not the most fun when you like to work quickly.

The power amp thing is a deal breaker if you want authentic sounds and true variety, and if so it defeats the purpose of the Synergy system.
I’ve got the VHt 2/90/2 and KsR power amps. I may need to start using them I. The returns of more amps to see how that does.

Like maybe run the Engl ones through the Savage MKII return, etc.
Seems to happen a lot. Unless you have a number of different power amps, they all start sounding pretty similar after a while - especially the British style modules. And swapping them in and out is not the most fun when you like to work quickly.

The power amp thing is a deal breaker if you want authentic sounds and true variety, and if so it defeats the purpose of the Synergy system.

I think if you only wanted 100% authenticity you’d just buy the amp(s) in question and not turn to a modular system.

In 1U format you’re committing virtually no space to get access to some really quality preamps to compliment the rest of whatever setup you have. IMO
@JerEvil can the KSR power amp do low volume on the master well? The PS-2a is really good for that. Trying to determine if I want to get the KSR PA50R that just got released. Thanks!
I think if you only wanted 100% authenticity you’d just buy the amp(s) in question and not turn to a modular system.

In 1U format you’re committing virtually no space to get access to some really quality preamps to compliment the rest of whatever setup you have. IMO
True. Don't get me wrong, the modules typically sound good but yeah it's a convenience vs. authenticity argument ultimately.
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Does anyone remember the Line 6 DT50; the one with switchable power amp topology that Bogner designed? I really think Synergy would benefit from a similar stand alone power amp like that. That could get the modules closer to the actual amp plus add more variety of tones by selecting different topologies on the same module.
I am interested in the SYN 20IR it will only be for home use and recording likely but it looks like it is going to address the power amp issues and have 3 power amp voicings to match up better w the Fender , Marshall and Modern High gainers
So you can control and match the response
Very interested to hear your thoughts on this one! Especially concerning how it compares to the Plexi in your FM3.
So I've had a chance to take the plexi module through it's paces and compare to the FM3 plexi 100 watt jumped version.

I would definitely say the share the same DNA in the overall sound and could roughly dial in similar sounds.
One thing I do find with my Synergy and fryette powerstation set up is that is t sounds more open with a more instant attack.

Generally when switching, the Fractal always sounds a bit boxy in mids no matter how much I mess with the speaker impedance curves etc. Not just with this module but others I've compared with the FM3.

I prefer the sound of the Synergy for sure.

It would be interesting if they did a revision of the plexi with a 0 watt power amp like they did with the Dr Z module.
So I've had a chance to take the plexi module through it's paces and compare to the FM3 plexi 100 watt jumped version.

I would definitely say the share the same DNA in the overall sound and could roughly dial in similar sounds.
One thing I do find with my Synergy and fryette powerstation set up is that is t sounds more open with a more instant attack.

That was indeed interesting!

I always find it hard to get my head around how you can approximate a Plexi sound with preamp tubes when a Plexi drive sound comes from the power section; but I suppose it's just a matter of tuning the circuit to sound similar and get in the ballpark, and if it sounds convincing it doesn't matter how it was done. Nice :cool:
I'm half tempted to email Synergy about it, but I have a feeling I'd be unable to relay the message without telling them "it sounds like shit, probably isn't correct, and needs to be fixed." I'd rather just hang onto it until I can sell or trade it for something.
It’s actually a good module if you put lower gain tubes in there and don’t compare it to an SLO on the crunch channel. But given how good the OG was and the other modules are it is not what I would expect a customer should need to do.

I am surprised they released something that far off after such a long wait. A rare miss and kind of sad given that the OG SLO is literally at the top of most people’s fave modules list.
I thought I was taking a risk with the OS module, and would end up preferring the IICP. Instead, I find that upper mid frequency I talked about to be dominating the sound (rather, I'm hyperfocusing on it), and it just sounds cheap to me. Instead, I ended up loving the OS and now have four of them.
The OS module is weird, IMHO, I’ve never really bonded with it and it is not really a great rock module, IMHO. The clean is completely uninspiring, Lots of better options for my tastes...

Kind of surprised you don’t dig the SLOII or VAI if you like that module a lot, they feel similar to me… It doesn’t suck but I rarely am in the mood for it, personally.