Synergy Owners Thread

Seems to happen a lot. Unless you have a number of different power amps, they all start sounding pretty similar after a while - especially the British style modules. And swapping them in and out is not the most fun when you like to work quickly.

The power amp thing is a deal breaker if you want authentic sounds and true variety, and if so it defeats the purpose of the Synergy system.
I dunno. I have a setup where I can swap my Syn2 to any of 8 power amps; people tend to overstate the power thing a lot. It depends on what you are doing and what you are expecting. Most people coming at it from this angle, IMHO, really want the Syn rig to *be* the amp in question, i.e. if you are thinking in terms of “Authentic sounds” instead of building cool sounds you like, go shop for a specific amp; a preamp power amp rig is probably not for you at all.

The Syn rig can feel/sound better than the amp if you are not setting the amp on a pedestal… I tend to like certain properties on the power amp side and can get that with all my preamps becuase I can run it with the power amp I like.
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It’s actually a good module if you put lower gain tubes in there and don’t compare it to an SLO on the crunch channel. But given how good the OG was and the other modules are it is not what I would expect a customer should need to do.

I am surprised they released something that far off after such a long wait. A rare miss and kind of sad given that the OG SLO is literally at the top of most people’s fave modules list.
Ya at this point honestly I think I would seek out an OG SLO
There are a few modules that I think sound very good
The BE/Dlx and for a different flavor the Zwreck
I would also be interested to see the new Toneking they mentioned and see who the other 2 new companies that got on board
Any guesses ?

Also I was going to ask if anyone has tried to the different cathode setting on the SLO I wonder if setting the input to the more Marshall settings would do anything
That was indeed interesting!

I always find it hard to get my head around how you can approximate a Plexi sound with preamp tubes when a Plexi drive sound comes from the power section; but I suppose it's just a matter of tuning the circuit to sound similar and get in the ballpark, and if it sounds convincing it doesn't matter how it was done. Nice :cool:
When you max out both gains it is almost like a fuzz pedal or something that is being pushed to its limits.
The OS module is weird, IMHO, I’ve never really bonded with it and it is not really a great rock module, IMHO. The clean is completely uninspiring, Lots of better options for my tastes...
The OS is a very mid heavy module so agree that wouldn't be the first choice for straight out Rock.

It is a very interesting though the way in which all the controls interact with each other.
Generally when switching, the Fractal always sounds a bit boxy in mids no matter how much I mess with the speaker impedance curves etc. Not just with this module but others I've compared with the FM3.
Glad I'm not alone in this thinking. It's not a deal breaker and the fractal sounds awesome but imo it has always had something going on in the mids
Glad I'm not alone in this thinking. It's not a deal breaker and the fractal sounds awesome but imo it has always had something going on in the mids
Fractal is awesome and I'm still using for cab processing and post effects.
I do find the Synergy set up easier to find suitable IR's
It’s actually a good module if you put lower gain tubes in there and don’t compare it to an SLO on the crunch channel. But given how good the OG was and the other modules are it is not what I would expect a customer should need to do.

I am surprised they released something that far off after such a long wait. A rare miss and kind of sad given that the OG SLO is literally at the top of most people’s fave modules list.
The SLO II is borderline garbage. Given the reputation of the original SLO module, the demos of other modules in the line, how good the OS module is, etc, it is kind of surprising they released something this bad, especially for something as revered as the SLO. Whomever signed off on the SLO II sounding this terrible needs to get demoted. I don't care if it was Mike Soldano or Dave Friedman themselves. If you can't release stuff like the SLO II that is accurate, you need to let someone else handle it to verify the item is accurate.
The OS module is weird, IMHO, I’ve never really bonded with it and it is not really a great rock module, IMHO. The clean is completely uninspiring, Lots of better options for my tastes...

Kind of surprised you don’t dig the SLOII or VAI if you like that module a lot, they feel similar to me… It doesn’t suck but I rarely am in the mood for it, personally.
The OS module is an awesome rock, metal, and blues module for my uses.
I have one: Yes, absolutely taper is easily as good as the power station.
I'm glad the volume taper on the Power Station isn't terrible like on the Sig:X. There is a spot early in the pot's taper that increases quite a bit, so low volume adjustments aren't very easy to accomplish. Why that isn't at the end of the pot's taper is beyond me.