Still Learning To Listen To That Voice In My Head!

Star Wars GIF by Johanna Healy

:banana :grin:pickle

Keep it up!
Been taking some small steps lately, even in advance of my doc clearing me for it. I figure at almost 8 weeks of healing, I'll listen to my body, and not try to do too much all at once. But I'm getting antsy to start walking again! Baby steps though. Literally.

I'm taking it really slow. I rest my hands on something to support my weight, and only lift my hands as I feel my foot can take the weight. A little pain, but I imagine that's to be expected.

But on another note..., I noticed my well pump cycling on often the other day. So today I timed it: It comes on for about 45 seconds every 2-3/4 minutes, with no water on anywhere. Which I know isn't right. I've never had a house on a well, so I spent the morning educating myself on how this stuff works. Called the health department and they were helpful in emailing me the well completion paperwork, so I can learn as much as I can before I figure out if it's something I can diagnose and fix myself, or have to call in a pro, since this is all new to me.

I'm hoping it's not the pump itself. But I'm still not quite ready to go crawling under the house to check out the tank and pressure switch. Cuz I suspect that's where I need to check things out first.

Always something. And I'm not in the greatest head-space right now for dealing with much of anything, except my healing. Sigh
Been taking some small steps lately, even in advance of my doc clearing me for it. I figure at almost 8 weeks of healing, I'll listen to my body, and not try to do too much all at once. But I'm getting antsy to start walking again! Baby steps though. Literally.

I'm taking it really slow. I rest my hands on something to support my weight, and only lift my hands as I feel my foot can take the weight. A little pain, but I imagine that's to be expected.

But on another note..., I noticed my well pump cycling on often the other day. So today I timed it: It comes on for about 45 seconds every 2-3/4 minutes, with no water on anywhere. Which I know isn't right. I've never had a house on a well, so I spent the morning educating myself on how this stuff works. Called the health department and they were helpful in emailing me the well completion paperwork, so I can learn as much as I can before I figure out if it's something I can diagnose and fix myself, or have to call in a pro, since this is all new to me.

I'm hoping it's not the pump itself. But I'm still not quite ready to go crawling under the house to check out the tank and pressure switch. Cuz I suspect that's where I need to check things out first.

Always something. And I'm not in the greatest head-space right now for dealing with much of anything, except my healing. Sigh
Glad you're making some progress! It'll take time but you'll get there. (y)

Concerning the pump, I'd call in a pro. Sure you could figure it out and probably do the work, but under your circumstances I wouldn't spend too much time potentially in a crawl space with your foot the way it is. Hopefully it's not too expensive though.
Glad you're making some progress! It'll take time but you'll get there. (y)

Concerning the pump, I'd call in a pro. Sure you could figure it out and probably do the work, but under your circumstances I wouldn't spend too much time potentially in a crawl space with your foot the way it is. Hopefully it's not too expensive though.
I probably will, but I at least want to be informed. This way I'll know how old the equipment is, that the pump is 1hp, etc.
Plus I manage construction projects, (to varying degrees, depending on who I'm working for), so I try to learn what I don't know, as the situations come up.
I probably will, but I at least want to be informed. This way I'll know how old the equipment is, that the pump is 1hp, etc.
Plus I manage construction projects, (to varying degrees, depending on who I'm working for), so I try to learn what I don't know, as the situations come up.
Yeah, I get that. But I was more concerned with your kaput foot getting more... kaput. :grin
Been taking some small steps lately, even in advance of my doc clearing me for it. I figure at almost 8 weeks of healing, I'll listen to my body, and not try to do too much all at once. But I'm getting antsy to start walking again! Baby steps though. Literally.

I'm taking it really slow. I rest my hands on something to support my weight, and only lift my hands as I feel my foot can take the weight. A little pain, but I imagine that's to be expected.

But on another note..., I noticed my well pump cycling on often the other day. So today I timed it: It comes on for about 45 seconds every 2-3/4 minutes, with no water on anywhere. Which I know isn't right. I've never had a house on a well, so I spent the morning educating myself on how this stuff works. Called the health department and they were helpful in emailing me the well completion paperwork, so I can learn as much as I can before I figure out if it's something I can diagnose and fix myself, or have to call in a pro, since this is all new to me.

I'm hoping it's not the pump itself. But I'm still not quite ready to go crawling under the house to check out the tank and pressure switch. Cuz I suspect that's where I need to check things out first.

Always something. And I'm not in the greatest head-space right now for dealing with much of anything, except my healing. Sigh
Could there be a leak somewhere you are unaware of? Then after X amount of water is gone, it triggers the pump for a bit to re-establish pressure in the lines? I have no idea how those pumps are triggered, but I have fixed a LOT of water leaks. Just a thought! Congrats on the baby steps, but don't ignore your docs advice, he is the Pro in that situation ;~))
Could there be a leak somewhere you are unaware of? Then after X amount of water is gone, it triggers the pump for a bit to re-establish pressure in the lines? I have no idea how those pumps are triggered, but I have fixed a LOT of water leaks. Just a thought! Congrats on the baby steps, but don't ignore your docs advice, he is the Pro in that situation ;~))
I know, you're right. He had told me at my last app't that most likely he'd have me start putting weight on it the next time I saw him, which would've been yesterday, but they didn't have any appointments available until next week. But yeah, that's still not a green light. I'm just losing my mind and anxious to get back on my feet! Going crazy! Can't do anything...

My understanding is that those tanks that are located right where the main water line enters the house have an air bladder in them that keeps a certain volume of water under pressure, at the ready. And I do suspect a leak..., my guess would be somewhere in that vicinity, maybe even in that bladder. But I've never even seen it, as I've never been under that end of the house.

I also have an unused apartment above the garage, although I'm pretty sure I shut the water off, at least at the toilet. But If I didn't, it could be something as simple as the toilet running. But so far in these past 8 weeks, I've only gone up a set of stairs one time, and since that was earlier today, and it was quite the challenge, I'm not trying to do that again today.

I'm pretty sure I don't have any leaks, but to be sure, I'd need to go into the crawl space at both ends of the house, and look for signs. I don't see any evidence of any leaks from the one upstairs bathroom. And if I do have a water pipe leak, I think it would have to be fairly substantial to make that pump cycle every 3 minutes. The house is only about 20 years old, so the pipes are probably fine. But toilet parts, and the well equipment, like that tank/pressure switch/gauge..., those could be at the end of their lifespan. I just won't know until I'm able to do some more investigating.

But not today. In the meantime I've shut off the breaker because I don't want to burn up that pump. It's 600' in the ground!
Does your water pressure seem normal?
I had an issue years ago with low water pressure due to a crack in the pipe near the well pump underground
I had a similar issue, Tom, and it was the in the line from the wellpit to the house.
I had to have the entire 200 foot length of pipe replaced. Luckily, I had a friend with
time, a good heart, and an excavator he could attach to his tractor. We did it all in
one day. :idk
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Damn! Glad you figured out the water thing, had to have been drowning in the thoughts of what it may actually be.

And more gladder to know you are starting to get up and about by yourself. :beer
I really believe this could be as simple as a worn out bladder tank.....check that first, could save time and money.
My thoughts as well. Since it turned out to not be the equipment, as soon as I'm able, I still want to get down in the crawl space, and from the things I learned, write down the cut in/out pressures on the tank, and the tank pressure, just so I have a frame-of-reference for any future issues.

My houses have all been in town, so I suppose I need to learn a little about septic systems too. What fun!

I feel like today is going to be a good day, the best so far with my healing, and getting back to taking care of things around the house. Man when things get neglected, you don't appreciate how quickly stuff can accumulate. I've just been ignoring it. :rofl Kitchen looks better already.

I just took 4 trashbag-fulls of boxes out to my burn pile and it was a perfect day for a fire, as it's misting outside. Still a PITA, since I have to use crutches to get down the porch steps, then grab the scooter to wheel myself over to the burn pile..., lather/rinse/repeat.

Oh and I started my day by playing the Just What I Needed solo. I've got it down. Cool little ditty!

What else..., the kitchen and floors need some attention. After that, a shower and...., that'll be enough.

All before 10am. I think I'll do some reading today too.

And as I was putting those boxes in the trash bag, my foot actually felt fine putting weight on it, (with the boot on. Still a little pain when I'm barefoot, so not doing that yet.)

Hope your day's as good as mine's shaping up to be! :beer
My thoughts as well. Since it turned out to not be the equipment, as soon as I'm able, I still want to get down in the crawl space, and from the things I learned, write down the cut in/out pressures on the tank, and the tank pressure, just so I have a frame-of-reference for any future issues.

My houses have all been in town, so I suppose I need to learn a little about septic systems too. What fun!

I feel like today is going to be a good day, the best so far with my healing, and getting back to taking care of things around the house. Man when things get neglected, you don't appreciate how quickly stuff can accumulate. I've just been ignoring it. :rofl Kitchen looks better already.

I just took 4 trashbag-fulls of boxes out to my burn pile and it was a perfect day for a fire, as it's misting outside. Still a PITA, since I have to use crutches to get down the porch steps, then grab the scooter to wheel myself over to the burn pile..., lather/rinse/repeat.

Oh and I started my day by playing the Just What I Needed solo. I've got it down. Cool little ditty!

What else..., the kitchen and floors need some attention. After that, a shower and...., that'll be enough.

All before 10am. I think I'll do some reading today too.

And as I was putting those boxes in the trash bag, my foot actually felt fine putting weight on it, (with the boot on. Still a little pain when I'm barefoot, so not doing that yet.)

Hope your day's as good as mine's shaping up to be! :beer
We just replaced our old septic, about 3 years not.

Especially considering I found out after 6 grand and a pump out 2 years later when it was FULL?!?!, was installed with a slight tilt towards my house ...which is not cool. Their solution was a longer inlet pipe ....what?!?🤷🏻‍♂️

Had to dig the tank up by hand, call county inspector to verify, called business... and they said it was my fault.....what?

Needless to say, have a new new septic company, from a different county....and they are awesome.

The one word of advice I'll give about the septic.....get a riser .... because digging up the lid is a bitch. We did it to save money....and I learned the hard way....I had it installed last year, no more digging.
We just replaced our old septic, about 3 years not.

Especially considering I found out after 6 grand and a pump out 2 years later when it was FULL?!?!, was installed with a slight tilt towards my house ...which is not cool. Their solution was a longer inlet pipe ....what?!?🤷🏻‍♂️

Had to dig the tank up by hand, call county inspector to verify, called business... and they said it was my fault.....what?

Needless to say, have a new new septic company, from a different county....and they are awesome.

The one word of advice I'll give about the septic.....get a riser .... because digging up the lid is a bitch. We did it to save money....and I learned the hard way....I had it installed last year, no more digging.
I'm on a mound system; clay doesn't perk! So both lids are at grade.