specific fm9 question


TGF Recording Artist
so my main gripe with the helix is that it lacks the dsp to accomplish what I really want, and maybe I am asking too much.

but I am wondering if I there is enough dsp on the FM9 to allow for 2 amp blocks - one for clean and another for dirty and then also have pitch blocks so that I can have octave up and octave down on momentary switches and then in a perfect world enough space leftover for more normal stuff like a comp, boost, phaser, delay, reverb.

on the helix i can get everything in one preset only if i use the old pitch blocks but the poly pitch ones will not fit and they sound a lot better. on the helix it would be cool if stomps could change settings like snapshots can, i think if i could use one block for octave up and down it all would be possible.
Dual amps will work in any preset. Furthermore each amp block has 4 channels you can dial in any way you want.

You can use one instance of the pitch block on the FM9, again with 4 channels. You could achieve what you want on a single channel using something like a control switch to toggle between octave up or down, or simple switch channels.

There's a few examples of what you can cram into a preset here

The 4 channels are really cool. You can store 4 different amps in 1 amp block. So you can use one amp for clean, a different one for crunch, a third one for lead. And switch between them with footswitches or scenes.

And then you can do that TWICE (using two amp blocks) to run amps in parallel, etc.

Pretty powerful and flexible.
on the helix it would be cool if stomps could change settings like snapshots can, i think if i could use one block for octave up and down it all would be possible.
I don't have a Helix anymore but I am pretty sure you can do this. See the Snapshots -> Parameter control and Controller assign sections in the manual.