Soooo, This is Where All the Cool Kids Went

Check out this FM9 Turbo Overclocked! Excuse the bed spread. :confused:

Ok. You wanna be that guy.. you wanna be that expression on the left guy. Ok, great, you made your point, your that guy. Ok.. you sure know how to start you first day here rubbing everyone the wrong way. Wanna be that guy? That rubs people the wrong way. Ok. Be that guy then.


I’ll accept you! :beer
Although, it is fun how a couple of former-strangers on the Interwebs can give you a brief warm fuzzy feeling. :beer
@texhex Yes, we are very cool kids here. I haven't worn socks with sandals since joining this forum. It's a real gamechanger... it's like the coolness just rubs off on you.
Thanks guys. It was an attempt at self-deprecating humor. ;)

Although, it is fun how a couple of former-strangers on the Interwebs can give you a brief warm fuzzy feeling. :beer
I figured it was self-deprecating. I smiled!

But a warm welcome (All are welcome™) is never a bad thing either. ;)