Some folks DO, while others make clickbait garbage.

He’s actually had some useful, interesting videos. He did a cool one on side chain compression. It’s a shame he doesn’t stay in that quieter lane more often.
He has had a lot of good, useful information. No question about it. These “aha, I’ve proven X” moments are anything but. Then the pompous, arrogant attitude that follows it is just a total turn off.
Overcompensation much? Insecurity like GF's often has the loudest mouth in a room.
A question for the manufactures who frequent this forum:

Do you endorse or sponsor Glenn Fricker in any capacity?
This vile, disgusting, excuse for a human being has officially sunken to new levels:

That guy has always been like that.

Can bother to look it up, but the moment that made me block him for good was one of those videos where he answers viewers questions, and some guy (very politely!) asked for tips on sound issues when playing at his church. The reply was "well, have you tried praying harder?".

Yes, Glenn went out of his way to be a piece of shit to a viewer because he just couldn't help himself. It was also shocking to see very few people calling it out in the comments.
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Mod Drew-

This thread is taking a turn into an area where it can all go to sh*t really quickly. Post wisely so I don’t have to delete them or send this to the inferno.

This ain’t the place for your thoughts on organized religion or politics.
Me too. Trying to be completely NON inflammatory here but to hopefully help with perspective and that we all need to live here:

For those who are super upset, think about how upset you are, and now think about how upset we Indigenous people might feel when we see those symbols you are upset about

Someone can always be mad about something
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