Sell Outs

Plenty of music in the world and no need to object to who doesn't adhere to your demands of what they should be, as those are other people and their music. If you released 100+ songs you'd get the same objections to what you put out with or without the fame and/or fortune. Some people's favorite food is other people's least favorite food, etc.
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Another would be Queensryche, "Silent Lucidity", bah. :hmm

I’d pick several other tunes on Empire for the ‘sell out’ tag before Silent Lucidity! At least Lucidity had the Floyd vibe they’ve latched onto before, but shit like “Hand On Heart” or “The Thin Line” was straight up “let’s make some radio tunes”
I’d pick several other tunes on Empire for the ‘sell out’ tag before Silent Lucidity! At least Lucidity had the Floyd vibe they’ve latched onto before, but shit like “Hand On Heart” or “The Thin Line” was straight up “let’s make some radio tunes”
Oh I know, and again, like with Metallica - I don't blame them one bit - just being silly.

And I know you didn't mention my Metallica comments, but a little context is needed, perhaps. I believe you had to be within 2 years of my age, and had to have listened to them immediately when the albums came out to understand how the Black Album affected ones like me. It was a "welcome to adulthood" moment, too, lol. Here's what happens with bands, deal with it, you punk kid.
Oh I know, and again, like with Metallica - I don't blame them one bit - just being silly.

And I know you didn't mention my Metallica comments, but a little context is needed, perhaps. I believe you had to be within 2 years of my age, and had to have listened to them immediately when the albums came out to understand how the Black Album affected ones like me. It was a "welcome to adulthood" moment, too, lol. Here's what happens with bands, deal with it, you punk kid.
I agree with this 100%. But I also feel like the concept of someone being a sell out is something that happens when you're 12 and that you eventually should grow out of by the time you are a rational thinking adult. Not that I'm a rational thinking adult :bag :ROFLMAO:
On the Metallica topic: I totally understand the backlash. They built their initial fanbase on the backs of underground tape traders and a burgeoning scene aligned with other up and coming thrash bands, then turned away from all that for commercial success - which left a lot of us feeling like they were posers all along.

But, when you dive in, Metallica was started as a vehicle for Lars to become commercially successful. There are plenty of anecdotes floating around about his dad and other “parents” investing in and very much controlling the path of the band, including “capitalizing” on Cliff’s death.

So, did they “sell out”? Did they just view the underground as a stepping stone? Are any of them honest enough with themselves to even know the answer to these questions?

Meanwhile, all the bands and tape traders, fans, surrounding people who made up the early thrash scene etc cheered them on only to have Metallica ignore all in the name of becoming rock stars - which brings the term “sellout” and all the old school backlash.

In the end, Im happy for them and still love Ride the Lightning (which I got the week it was released) and consider it one of my all-time favorite albums. But totally get the backlash and, to a big extent, agree with it in a “ditched the date that brung ya” sort of way.

At this point, they’re big enough they can do whatever they want. But instead of playing more extreme metal and taking bands like Testament or Exodus or Anthrax on tour, the new tour is a circus and they’re playing with Five Finger Butt Punch and other “flavor of the month” bands, presumably because it will bring more revenue. This just enforces the “sell out” through-line.

But it’s their lives, their careers and their choices to make, so good for them for making choices that led to the success they currently enjoy.
Now that I'm riled up today, Rush was my 1st sell out (though they redeemed themselves) and them absolutely Metallica. I was pissed beyond belief for The Black Album.

Regardless, I've been, "over it" for a long time and realize they could change however they wanted to. Just felt like people like me, that supported them - were given the middle finger. And they have yet to redeem themselves. Have any really rich guys ever made a primo metal album? Don't think so.
Rush lost me starting with A Farewells to Kings 🤷🏻
If you legit want to talk about "sell outs," whattya think about bands playing Vegas casino main rooms?
Hey Jay, long time no see. Hope you're doing well!

Interesting thought, but how is it selling out if they are doing the music they always did? It's like going on tour but without the massive hassles of touring, IMO.

No travel, no set up and tear down every day, no different "room" to adjust to every night. For those weary of touring, it's a perfect gig.
I think of it this way. With or without being a popular musician who gets money from playing I want to be able to have music as an outlet. I would never want a list of demands on how I must please everyone with my songs or jams. I need to be able to function. So even if some of the material is not my favorite I have to be happy for when a lot of people enjoy something and musicians are having success. I won't be displeased about bands making money from music that's not my type. Never would I say musicians did something wrong if they and significant amounts of listeners liked something. Nobody owes me new favorite songs of mine forever. Plenty to listen to and if I got some musical concepts in mind I'd like more of then I'm obligated to try and get creative myself.
Dude, to me we’re on forums to talk in generalities, not shoving our music CVs in each other’s faces. I don’t think it’s good form to require the people I’m talking to to pass an exam before they get to interact with me.
When I joined here, @JiveTurkey promised me there would be no math. If there's gonna be math exams, I'm out! :cuss

Generally speaking, I feel that most artists are more diverse and curious than their audience/fans are.

That's what being a "creative" is, isn't it? Not paint by numbers repeat of the oldies, but pushing new
ground to see how fertile it is. And that new ground is often created by advancing tech, and artists
not wanting to repeat themselves ad nauseam. :idk