The Great Purge - DrewJD82 please review for appropriateness


@DrewJD82 feel free to delete this if it’s not abiding by the rules or unseeming.

I’m going to pare down on the gear. I’d like to sell among friends. Most, if not all, of it is in pure mint condition. I don’t play live anymore and test my gear not on the floor. So with appropriate gear, a foot has never touched it. I’m new to selling like this as I usually use a local guy to sell on commission. Long timers here can probably guess who that was and read his reviews on More than a few of those reviews are likely related to gear sold for me.

So, I’ll be posting things here in the Emporium. I plan to offer reasonable or better prices and be accurate in my descriptions and reliable AF on delivery.

So if you’ve heard my thoughts on gear acquisitions and were interested in having a shot at them in like new condition please check them out. I currently use CashApp but might consider other forms of transactional payments. As I said, I’m new to this so any guidance is welcome.

I’m looking for win-win situations for all involved. And nothing less.

I apologize if this is in poor form. I’m just ready to cut some gear down, recoup some cost and hopefully make someone happy in the process.

Thanks y’all, J
Drew will take the fleshlights.

I’m still waiting on some honest feedback if this post is ok. I think I’m not trying to pimp my own products but it seems like a grey area to me.

I’m ok with being wrong.