Question about Intervals

Historically, it was Pythagoras' experiment that was considered the authority - akthough Pythagoras was said to have gleaned his knoweldge from Egypt.

We don't have those Egyptian sources, nor were they used by Renaissance folk when they rediscovered Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and kicked off the explosion of Western Civ we still live in - although we seem to hate it now and seek to discredit whenever possible.

Now how about Vincenzo being the first Rock'n"Roll dude who cahnged history, music, culture and science by doing repeatable experiments (!! A Big Deal !!) rather than relying on theory?

His damn luitye didn't sound right, and hios sources were Pythagoras for theory and Arsitotle's logic and demonstration.
Your username is an anagram of "dealer".

Well, I got Aristotle's demonstration mixed up with Pythagoras, who was meant to have done it in antiquity and no one ever checked again until Vincenzo Galilei. I've been re-reading the Metaphysics and the "invention" of Potential and Kinetic Energy and attributed

I had an Afro-American native drummer as percussion teacher who taught me to forget about any western rhythm notation and instead think in numbers. This way he taught me how to make flows in odd, compound and polyrhythmic meters by simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and dividing. It made it so much easier to get it under the skin.
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I borrowed it from Aelred of Rievaulx. I like Ale and I like to read. A lot.

We NEED to talk about triads! <- CLICK!

(sorry for the shameless plug, but I mentioned it in this thread and some of it might be along similar lines)
Cool looking thread. Some of it I may ever learn from!

I can't find a Loeb edition of the Manual of Harmonics by Nichomachus of Gerasa, and only his Pythagorean Arithmetic is available in Greek from 1923. Of course, Greek arithmetic was Gematria (apologies to Slipknot). They didn’t have numbers, so they used letters (gematria). Zeus = the square root of Hermes times Apollo (rounded to a whole “number”) is arithmetically correct. Apollo = 1061, Hermes = 353, Zeus = 612.

I do have a copy of Sextus Empiricus' Against Music (Pros Mousikous) and Against Logic (Pros Logikous).

Some people read music and have since high school. I read Greek and it was a compulsory subject, not optional, in high school.

I wonder what Nichomachus the Pythagorean had to say about intervals and triads...