Potential Mesa Reissues? IIC+ and Dual Rec

They've shown some "leaked" (*wink wink nudge nudge*) pics of the old 2-channel chrome chassis Dual Recto that's supposedly a Rev F/G reissue alongside the IIC+ reissue, but nothing officially announced yet.

If they make a Triple Recto rev F reissue I might break my mouse clicking on the preorder button.

There's literally 2 of them behind Doug in the Mesa IIC videos

I’m having flashbacks of the VII introduction where literally ZERO videos showed anyone playing any metal clips. I want to hear it chug! Not necessarily this… but something more like this.

The marketing campaign can't be beat.

"Hey you know that amp made famous world wide by the biggest names in heavy metal? Here's 15 low effort videos of low gain blues."

Excellent marketing strategy, way to make an exciting landmark amplifier launch incredibly boring. Extra points for the video if it's just two guys jawing for 10 minutes between actually playing the amp. Get the damn thing in Ola Englund and Angel Vivaldi's hands and have them show everyone what the amp is supposed to sound like. Stop it with the telecasters and vintage Les Pauls good lord :rofl
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Stop it with the telecasters and vintage Les Pauls good lord :rofl
I’ll give you the Telecaster criticism but I regularly get crushing high gain with PAF loaded LPs - it’s probably my favorite pairing with these amps.

Maybe there’s a Hetfield/Petrucci artist demo video coming soon…but playing banjo because why would anyone want to hear proper IIC+ metal tones…
I'll go against the grain here and appreciate the low gain.

I've been considering a Mark V, and it's surprisingly hard to find good clips of it with any low to mid gain stuff. Or even metal stuff where anyone uses the amp at anything except pretty much the same V-scoop settings. Plus so many of the low gain clips are like 240p clips from 10+ years ago...

I'm sure the 'net will be absolutely littered with your crank-the-treble knob, crank-the-bass/treble sliders, scoop all the mids clips in no time.
boogie mark liquid gain is kind of the de facto electric guitar sound, the V and VII have a lot of options but they really don't sound like the dual-mode single channel in feel, components packed too close together. IIC+ has the same harmonic space to breathe as og small clone, huge mid scoop. the sound just doesn't fit in a smaller package. I'm really really glad they did this. for the sound.
Yeah I say keep the low gain stuff coming even though I'm at least somewhat a more "metal" leaning guy

Ola's video is going to sound awesome, but of course it is. It's going to sound just like every other video he's ever made :cop:LOL:
I'll go against the grain here and appreciate the low gain.

I've been considering a Mark V, and it's surprisingly hard to find good clips of it with any low to mid gain stuff. Or even metal stuff where anyone uses the amp at anything except pretty much the same V-scoop settings. Plus so many of the low gain clips are like 240p clips from 10+ years ago...

I'm sure the 'net will be absolutely littered with your crank-the-treble knob, crank-the-bass/treble sliders, scoop all the mids clips in no time.
But you’re not going against the grain. You is the grain. Obviously if all they are doing is catering to you with EVERY demo, then you = the grain :rofl
There's a phone recorded video of some chugs in the Mesa/Boogie owners group on FB. Sounds pretty gnarly :satan
I would also say too that the videos I’ve seen are not just low gain, but low effort. They’re just so boring.

When I think low gain greatness I think Eric Johnson, Mateo Mancuso, etc. On the flip side everything I’ve ever learned about Joe Bonamassa has been against my will.