Post something from "way back when"...

Thanks. The best part is the guitars were all recorded direct. No amp. It was a Boss ROD-10.
I did that crap all the time too ... without any concerns for overloading the channel or blowing it out!!!

I used to just do drums by hand like they do now...but on the cheap drum machines I could never figure out...🤣🤣🤣
Decided to start a SoundCloud, I suppose.

Um, I haven't played this for anyone other than my wife. Well, except the guys that played on it with me....and the "engineer" that threw it together. Sorry no vocals.

I wrote the music, if you want to call it that.

This was part of 7 tracks recorded over 2 days of practice, meant for preproduction writing and practice purpose....drummer needed tracks ...but it turned into a shit show.

Anyway, I had this wild hair up my ass back in 2013-14 to finally record my original material. Just for my own personal goal...and for friends.

Well needless to say, life got in the way....and sadly this is all that lives ...the 7 original live take ..quick pseudo mastered..but not really.

Long story short....I like this one.

It's called didactic, and it is one take. One guitar, me....drums, a friend named josh. A gentleman on bass named Jeremy. Warts and all. I apologize in advance.😬

Sounds great man, keep it up and join us for the "Do Something Challenge" when the next season starts! All players of all instruments of all styles welcome ;~))
Thanks dude!!! It's rough. But I feel like it had potential. I really enjoy listening back to it. Love the main verse rhythm guitar part....subtle, but fun and a bit tricky......took me a bit to remember what i was playing, then relearn how to play it.😝
Honestly, it reminded me of a band I joined kind of unexpectedly around 2002 or so. I wish I had some clips because it was cool stuff too. It was short lived unfortunately, but it had a lot of potential.
No stone throwing!

My sister emailed me a Kesha backing and dared me to do it.
AX8 again.

I gotta get an octave pedal.

Very well done! Anybody who throws stones better have some sweet chops to put up and even then, F'em, this is good!! Some might call it very 80's, but IDGAF what era something is from, I either like it or I don't!!! Thanks for sharing ;~))
Here is a undeveloped one I threw up (pun intended) into my Bandcamp account in 2015! It is about 10 minutes too long (some may say it should not exist at all), but I was just getting my feet wet in mixing/putting together songs and just played with a lot of different vocal effects. It was built on a bass groove I had recorded in 2006!

Here is a undeveloped one I threw up (pun intended) into my Bandcamp account in 2015! It is about 10 minutes too long (some may say it should not exist at all), but I was just getting my feet wet in mixing/putting together songs and just played with a lot of different vocal effects. It was built on a bass groove I had recorded in 2006!

This one reminds me of when I was in the Mediterranean during the 90s. I feel like this would go well with some Molly and a sunset.....

Honestly, it reminded me of something from the Eurovision Song Contest!

This had me dancing all over the living room!!🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺
This one reminds me of when I was in the Mediterranean during the 90s. I feel like this would go well with some Molly and a sunset.....

Honestly, it reminded me of something from the Eurovision Song Contest!

This had me dancing all over the living room!!🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺
Then my work is done here (well except the Molly and the sunset, going to have to get your own)! Look out Fire Saga, the Moondog is rising!!
