Polychrome DSP Nunchuck

where did the baseline code come from?
Probably SPICE with some modifications or custom stuff. But ultimately, if the product is good, it doesn’t really matter how they get there.

It’s definitely as much about meeting customer demand and making a good experience as just having a good product. Can’t afford to skimp on anything.
Sure. These are solved problems, and they are going to attract more artists than tech innovators. Art is important. Its why people pay hundreds of dollars for clones of simple circuits that can be built from parts costing .50c. If it makes you feel a certain way when you look at it then only you can decide how much its worth.
Yeah that’s maybe half of it. With software, part of the reason I’m happy to pay for it is it is a product and when money exchanges hands I expect some assurances with maintainence and compatibility. It’s the boring part of the job that makes it a job rather than purely a creative endeavour. People can moan about waves all they like, but they’re always one of the first to be compatible with each new OS update and their stuff is solid, no matter if it’s a 20 year old project or 2 week old one. Audiority (and presumably polychrome) have been very reliable for me so far, and regularly provide updates and quick support.
Already own the McRocklin Suite. Wondering if Nunchuck or Kiesel offers anything new besides the whammy? It does look like it's based on a different Marshall style EL34 amp.