Pitch shifting: PolychromeDSP Hypertune



Didn't pay too much attention to this one when it came out but I tried it out last night & I'm really impressed with how good it tracks (both pitching up & down), how stable it is.

It's much better than the Transpose feature from the Neural DSP plugins (or Quad Cortex), Drop pedal and FM3. Dare I say it's probably better than the Capo in the Helix.

Since I was using the NDSP Transpose feature mostly lately, I can say that it does a decent job pitching down around 2 semitones but it's unstable A.F. when you go up one or 2 semitones.

Really impressed with how Hypertune performs; not to big of a fan of how it's priced for now.
I haven't looked into Polychrome DSP plugins yet, but I like what I see and hear. Is their amp modelling any good?
It’s Luca from Audiority’s other company. I think they’re trying to split the guitar products and marketing into another brand and have Audiority more for quirky fx.

I dig his modelling, and as much as I like that he did some oddball solid state amps with Audiority it’s cool to see some valve based models.

I thought the amp sim suite thing sounded pretty great but it’s a sound I’m so well covered for, plus I’m not into the generic GUI or ambiguous amp model. I way prefer when it’s just a straight up model of something pre existing.
ngl, got really excited about this for exactly two seconds, before my eyes landed on the "Plugin" footnote 😥

That would actually be a rad pedal IRL. I was close to pulling the trigger on this a while back (ended up retracking the session with a different tuning guitar in the end anyway). Did a great job for down tuning and a bit weird for +1. I think even -4 -5 was pretty damn acceptable.

I haven’t even picked up their plugins but I see their movements with kiesel and mcrocklin suite and watch a lot of mcrocklins YouTube channel as well. I think they’re doing a great job, good sounds and trusted brand kind of thing.
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