Pick the real amp out from the emulations

Which one is the real amp?

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I always enjoy an opinionated contrarian
kendrick lamar GIF by Interscope Records
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I always enjoy an opinionated contrarian
kendrick lamar GIF by Interscope Records

Looking in the mirror by chance? :wat


It's all good, I suppose. Just kind of becomes a worn-out Internet trope at some point. For me. Not much
novel about it these days. :idk

Sometimes it is harder to just keep walking and not take aim and shoot everyone
else's balloons out of the sky just because we can.

Merry Christmas and Happy Festivus! :cheers
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I asked for one song by one group that has that guitar tone - meaning the tone in the OP - in it. This ain't it.
Its not it, I wasn't trying to copy it either. I just said it inspired the riff. The purpose of the test wasn't to emulate any specific tone, so I'm not going to hunt through every recorded jcm800 tone ever made just to find one exactly like this. The tone most certainly isnt an issue, which is why precicely no one else has mentioned it as a problem.
There are lots of guitar tones in that song. To my ears, the one in your clip isn't very close to any of them.
Yeah, and one of them sounds like the 10 second bit of guitar I posted. It was just loosely inspired by it and the tone would work in that context. I wasn't covering it, it was just a tone example. Again going off track here.
FYI, I get that you created an amp/IR tone and then got really close to it with a bunch of modelers and then made a video demo of the comparison. I realize there's a lot of work involved in that. I also realize that there are folks who place a lot of faith in such comparisons.
Which leads to a question: how come you didn't disclose in the OP that you sell IRs?

I could have used any IR for this test and it wouldn't made a single bit of difference. I'm matching the amp settings, and the cab and microphone element remains constant. And also; my username I post under is the name I sell the IR's through, and many youtube videos mention that. if I didn't use some kind of neutral IR for the test, I'd get accused of favouring one company over another. Its much fairer to use something unrelated to any company in these tests, particularly if I can vouch for how it was made and how to get the most accurate use out of it.

I'm not really sure where else you want to go with this thread, you're just drawing attention to things that have absolutely no bearing on the comparison or the intention of the thread. I'd suggest putting the time and effort towards doing your own comparisons if there is something you'd like demonstrated that I haven't (or you don't think I'm able to). And (I'm not being obtuse here) by all means teach me anything I'm missing to do with recording guitar tone, if you think you have something to offer that I don't have a grasp of. I'm pretty confident in capturing guitar tones in a way that represents exactly what I was going for, but I always like to learn new things.
Unfortunately my IR's have no bearing on whether real amps sound like emulations unfortunately. They're just IR's :(

They're all I use anyway, regardless of whether I sell them or not. They're the cabs, speakers, mics, preamps and way I like to mic things and the sounds I'm familiar with. There's tons of good stuff out there, but I made these for me, so forcing myself to use something else would just be pointless.
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AC/DC test. There’s more than one real amp clip below:

I personally don’t buy into the “edge of breakup” thing but maybe it’s just not a sound I’m passionate about. Is it obvious which ones are amps? Also I can’t believe any guitarists still want to hear this bastard riff any more, but this was requested and I always see AC/DC tones as something people want emulations to do well….
AC/DC test. There’s more than one real amp clip below:
Idunno which is which, but I prefer F and J, with F having a very slight edge over J. Several of the others have more bass than I want to hear in the chord portion of the intro, along with a slight excess of edginess in the single-note line that follows.

If you're really interested in mimicing tube amp behavior, it makes a lot of difference how the sound changes with your pick attack, guitar controls, and harmonic content (chords, double-stops, etc). Differences among rigs become much more apparent to me when they are demonstrated with a wide range of playing dynamics and chord voicings, and AC/DC really doesn't cover very much of that territory.

This is truly a nonissue and has been for years. Some folks prefer to play through tube amps because of their feel, but once the amp has a mic in front of it - or is loaded down and played through an IR - even that argument tends to fall apart. Since 2007, when I bought an Axe-Fx, I've had no problem getting the sounds and feels I want from a modeler/full range rig, but I'm probably an outlier for several reasons. One thing is certain: no amount of youtube clippage is likely to ever change anyone's mind. Folks who make purchase decisions based on demo clips are at least as likely to suffer bitter disappointment as satisfaction.