don’t know if I’m just at the age where I realize it more or the current younger generation really hates the older generation much more than we did as kids.
I mean, I’ve got more in common with GenX but still bust my dad’s balls about his boomerisms (he’s got some really stereotypical boomerisms, not really sorry about this) but
there seems to be a much deeper seated “Anyone over 35 is a f*cking idiot” thing going on these days. (I’m 40)
Hard to say, what with social media/internet amplifying/exaggerating everything now.
I'm 48 and recall a fair amount of making fun of older people being acceptable in the 90s, ex. The Simpsons, Seinfeld, etc. But maybe with less vitriol, or with a funny, creative angle. Also depends on cultural background and where you are in the world, probably. I remember "never trust anyone over 30" being a thing, at some point. And the boomers themselves were pretty hard on the WWII generation, back in the 60s.
More recently, boomers (and Gen X) have brought a lot of it on themselves, I'd say, what with constantly complaining and putting down Milllenials and/or Gen Z. Sheer numbers is also a part of it, in that there are simply more boomers to get angry at and express frustration towards. Makes for a big and long-lasting target. Without getting political and just focusing on age: both recent US presidents are boomers too, that generation just doesn't seem to want to let go of ruling things in that country. Or there are no Gen Xers who've been able to break through (as they have in Canada with Trudeau).
I work with a lot of teenagers and have teenage kids, and I would agree with
@la szum that "boomer" is now just a general term for anyone over 30 and/or who seems out of touch. The average 18 year old can't tell a 50 yr old from a 60 yr old.

Language changes and it's not always bound to the definitions that stood when we were young, in my opinion.