No Amps Were Harmed in the Making of this Video

Yeah He was not wrong Page was so sloppy Live on many occasions not Only EVH made that comment
Some say Page’s slop is “part of his style” as if he does it on purpose. Maybe he did… I’m not sure but I’d imagine being high as a kite live a lot of the time probably contributes too. Still Page wrote some amazing music “slop” and all… I’ll most certainly give him that.

Imagine if he’d had been born rich with all that free time rich people have, maybe he wouldn’t have been so sloppy.
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We've long reached the point where anyone, if they work hard enough, can create a professional record at home. Yeah, Henson built himself a very fancy posh studio, but you don't need that. Note how the centerpiece of his entire setup is just a Mac with a couple rackmount I/Os.

See for example Billy Howerdel, who pretty much recorded and produced Mer de Noms by himself, in a makeshit home studio... using Pod Farm for guitar tones. The label $$$ came only after that album became a hit.
I'd say the centerpiece is the drum room. That's pretty hard to replicate "at home".
I'd say the centerpiece is the drum room. That's pretty hard to replicate "at home".
Agree… it can be hard depending on what you’re going for. Plenty of great albums with drums recorded in small tight rooms. With modern tech you most certainly get good drum recording without a dedicated drum room that give a great room sound via plug-ins or mixing in some samples, or just go with small and tight room sound it may fit the song. Good for him that he has options.
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We've long reached the point where anyone, if they work hard enough, can create a professional record at home. Yeah, Henson built himself a very fancy posh studio, but you don't need that. Note how the centerpiece of his entire setup is just a Mac with a couple rackmount I/Os.

See for example Billy Howerdel, who pretty much recorded and produced Mer de Noms by himself, in a makeshit home studio... using Pod Farm for guitar tones. The label $$$ came only after that album became a hit.

Another great example is Chromeo. The guitar and bass sounds are nothing but some cheap tier VST plugins, might be even free ones. Yet in the context of their funky goodness it all just sounds right and the "DI-ness" of the sound doesn't detract. They do have a massive pile of fancy synths tho!
All of which would have been the subject of internet banter at the time. (Or has been since) In each of those instances the artists in question went on to have undeniably great careers and/or a change of opinion, which Tim certainly has the ability to do as well. But in the interim people will gossip on music platforms when he says stuff like “I hate guitar music” while being in a “instrumental guitar band”. :ROFLMAO:

Yeah, my point wasn't really the resultant internet banter - should've left that off the quote - it was more the “obnoxious” part. Rock/pop has a long history of young stars saying obnoxious things and/or proclaiming their greatness. (Often with the intent to generate buzz/controversy/internet banter, of course.)

Henson is very good at trolling boomers/Gen X, that's for sure. :grin
He was not wrong Page was so sloppy Live on many occasions not Only EVH made that comment

Yes, was referring to more in the context of young guitarists saying “obnoxious“ things, “boomer bends,” etc. Pretty standard to take shots at the older guard when you're arriving as a young contender.
Dont forget the "4" Quad Cortex's :D

If i understood correctly, he mentioned keeping four of those around for band practice. They definitely record a shitton with plugins - you can see Henson's signature plugin over the DAW in a couple takes.

I'd say the centerpiece is the drum room. That's pretty hard to replicate "at home".

Nah, the centerpiece is the console room (audio routing, mixing, effects and recording)... which these days is just your laptop. The isolation room is cool, sure, but not a dealbreaker for home recorders.

It was kinda funny to see Henson showing up the drum kit with price tags still on.
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I don’t think anyone literally hates him, and most respect his considerable talent. An artists music, or image etc. is always going to be the subject of internet banter.

I think many are perfectly fine ignoring his music if it’s not their thing, but I think some of his commentary on music and the instrument itself comes off as obnoxious, which then becomes subject for more internet banter.


Man, ya haven’t been to RigTalk in a while. Or TheOtherPlace :rofl
Yeah, my point wasn't really the resultant internet banter - should've left that off the quote - it was more the “obnoxious” part. Rock/pop has a long history of young stars saying obnoxious things and/or proclaiming their greatness. (Often with the intent to generate buzz/controversy/internet banter, of course.)

Henson is very good at trolling boomers/Gen X, that's for sure. :grin

I don’t know if I’m just at the age where I realize it more or the current younger generation really hates the older generation much more than we did as kids. :rofl

I mean, I’ve got more in common with GenX but still bust my dad’s balls about his boomerisms (he’s got some really stereotypical boomerisms, not really sorry about this) but there seems to be a much deeper seated “Anyone over 35 is a f*cking idiot” thing going on these days. (I’m 40)
I saw on TGP that Tim Henson supposedly said he wanted guitar music to go away. Is that true?
He was quoted to say he hopes it dies. But then later clarifies that he wants boring guitar to die. Which I kinda agree because any hard rock or metal that seems to be on the radio is very formulaic (which has it's place) but it's just boring to me.
I don’t know if I’m just at the age where I realize it more or the current younger generation really hates the older generation much more than we did as kids. :rofl
Hate may be a strong word but yeah there’s definitely what seems more harsh snark thrown at the older generation but I don’t know man, it seems every young generation thinks the older generation is out of touch, stupid, or irrelevant.
I’m a gen x and been called a boomer funnily enough. My parents are boomers and amazing people so I took it as compliment. Back when I was young though I thought my parent and grandparents didn’t at least understand or care to know my generation. The older I get the more I realize they were way more wise and smart than I gave them credit. They may not have liked the music I do but they did some amazing things and some of those boomers were responsible for some great music.

I have to admit there’s some stuff I don’t get about my kids generation especially humor (20-23 years old now) but yeah they show me things they think are funny and I’m like I don’t get it. My son daughter though like some really great modern music artists and have turned me on to some bands/artists… so there’s points of understanding and some not.

I think with this kid… it’s just young people trying to look cool talking shit about older generations repeating itself. Nothing new really except the terms and tone.

On a side note he talked several times about weed in that video. He should really thank older generations than himself for starting to turn that around. He’d shit his pants if he had to go and more than likely end up with trash dirt weed from Mexico back in the day. :roflKids these days don’t know how good they have it in that regard.