NMD: Axe-Fx III MK II Turbo (J.F)

There's this viral thing going around Michigan where you get a McDouble from Mickey D's and then
put a dollop of Oreo Cookie Ice Cream on it.

Homer Simpson Wow GIF by Justin
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The high acidity can be problematic. A lot of high volume coffee drinkers have digestion issues, heartburn,
chronic diarrhea, and poor absorption of nutrients as a result. It's a thing for sure.

There are ways to combat it. I won't mention them here for fear of being impaled by the Coffee Cultists. :LOL:
I’ve been buying both a bag of espresso and a bag of regular coffee I usually mix up before brewing. Being half asleep this morning I brewed a whole pot of espresso, the first cup woke me up REALLY fast, the 2nd cup has had my armpits sweating all day even though it’s 69 degrees in my office and I’m freezing. :rofl
have you tried deathwish coffee....its smooth
Meh. At this point, aside from the vent holes, there is literally zero effort put into heat dissipation in the FM3 aside from "well, it's just big enough so who cares." It wouldn't take a whole lot of effort to regain what is lost.
No... Fractal has already stated that they can't add more processing power into that chassis because of heat dissipation requirements.

It wasn't just a "meh, good enough" design.
The high acidity can be problematic. A lot of high volume coffee drinkers have digestion issues, heartburn,
chronic diarrhea, and poor absorption of nutrients as a result. It's a thing for sure.

There are ways to combat it. I won't mention them here for fear of being impaled by the Coffee Cultists. :LOL:
As a chronic coffee lover/abuser who has had to completely quit it three times this year:
To-Do-List Tasks GIF by Drawify
No... Fractal has already stated that they can't add more processing power into that chassis because of heat dissipation requirements.

It wasn't just a "meh, good enough" design.
Dude. Think for yourself for two seconds instead of regurgitating Cliff. Does that chassis seem remotely designed to dissipate heat in any way aside from having a couple holes poked in it? HINT an FM0 need not weigh any less. Or have any less overall chassis surface area than an FM3.
You can’t “completely quit” something 3x in a year. I believe you repeatedly tried and failed to quit. Just give in and embrace the caffeine…

I quit for a full month each time, then felt great, so I was like LET’S GET THIS COFFEE PARTY STARTED AGAIN YEEEEHAAWWW :banana

You’d be amazed by the buzz you get from even one cup after you’ve had no caffeine for a month :rofl
I have the medical condition known as Brutal Raging GERD, and I'm prone to anxiety attacks on top of that, so I had to give up coffee and carbonated beveragews a while ago due to the GERD and all caffiene due to the anxiety. Now I drink water and almond milk.

season 9 smoking GIF
I have the same, everything you listed. But I am also stupid and don’t often do what’s best for myself, so I commend your decision making and will power ;)
I have the same, everything you listed. But I am also stupid and don’t often do what’s best for myself, so I commend your decision making and will power ;)

Shit, sorry to hear that. Thanks for the encouragement. In the big picture, it's a piddly condition; there are far far worse of course. It's just shitty, as you know! For a while I would even try to sleep sitting up. But I also discovered another method that my wife found for me: eat like a king for breakfast, a queen for lunch, and a pauper for dinner. Just eat less and less heavy foods as the day progresses. That helps a ton.

Oh, and stop freaking out over everything all the time; I'm still working on that one! But anxiety really does exascerbate it.
As a chronic coffee lover/abuser who has had to completely quit it three times this year:
To-Do-List Tasks GIF by Drawify

I quit the evening covfefe. Had to. :(

Still drink about 4 cups a day in the morning and afternoon
and found an easy hack to punch that acidity in the nuts. :LOL:

I still fear retribution from the Coffee Overlords if I say what
it is out loud, though. :cuss
