New UA pedals - Galaxy, Del-Verb, & Max Preamp

My impression has always been that they designed the Golden Reverberator first and that was the form factor that they went with. In terms of the knobs and functions the Golden actually makes sense.

And then every damn pedal subsequent to that has seen UAFX try to inappropriately squeeze other functions into that same form factor, rather than suck up a little of those economy of scale savings (profits!) and make 2 or 3 other housings that actually make sense.

Yeah that seems to be the case, unfortunately.

They must be selling, so they may not care tbh.

I’ve wanted to try a couple of these, but I just can’t pay the ransom knowing I’d find the feature set lacking.
Still no UA Recto/5150/high gain variant pedal :mad:

I’ve come to the realization all of these companies focus on the same Fender/AC30/Plexi tones because the people designing them are old farts, making the pedals for themselves. (Or fellow old farts)

Disclaimer, I’m half joking, and this is said as a non-old fart, thinking of buying an old fart amp to use as my primary rig in a pedal/clean platform, making me a non-old fart, old fart. :bag
I’ve come to the realization all of these companies focus on the same Fender/AC30/Plexi tones because the people designing them are old farts, making the pedals for themselves. (Or fellow old farts)

Disclaimer, I’m half joking, and this is said as a non-old fart, thinking of buying an old fart amp to use as my primary rig in a pedal/clean platform, making me a non-old fart, old fart. :bag

In that case they could at least come up with some Dumble.
They'll probably call it something like "Cream '68" if they stick to the current naming convention they've got for these.
Assuming it will be based on a 68 plexi because that's basically the yardstick. Or they could go for '59' and confuse the hell out of everyone by mistaking 1959 for a year. :p
They'll probably call it something like "Cream '68" if they stick to the current naming convention they've got for these.
Assuming it will be based on a 68 plexi because that's basically the yardstick. Or they could go for '59' and confuse the hell out of everyone by mistaking 1959 for a year. :p
I dunno, I hear Friedman already trademarked "Cream 69" for use with guitar amplifier products and UA might be worried a out getting too close to that...
I’ve come to the realization all of these companies focus on the same Fender/AC30/Plexi tones because the people designing them are old farts, making the pedals for themselves. (Or fellow old farts)

Disclaimer, I’m half joking, and this is said as a non-old fart, thinking of buying an old fart amp to use as my primary rig in a pedal/clean platform, making me a non-old fart, old fart. :bag
While I can agree with that, those three amps cover about 90% of sounds most people need, especially on boxes meant to be paired with other pedals. I can understand wanting something that is more dedicated to high gain models though as that's a category not very well covered by these sort of units. Strymon Riverside + Iridium + the right IR does do that stuff pretty well I reckon, but at that point it's basically a HX Stomp size thing.

For UA pedals, I feel like they designed one of them, then tried to figure out how to make the rest work. The Golden works well enough for its concept - it's not like you need a huge ton of different reverb options footswitchable. The Astra totally fails when put into that same setup because the average user would want more than two different modulations while at the same time its labeled controls in 90% of the cases don't do what is printed on it.

In the same way the Dream '65 works within its design concept. It gets really, really weird for the Ruby though when its treble/bass controls only work in the Brilliant channel mode. Like...why? Authenticity? But digital can do much more, just have it be "authentic with those knobs at min, max or noon. It's what made me wonder if these pedals are just machine learning models underneath it all because the behavior is very much like that - only the controls on the real amp and never deviating from that.