New Friedman IR-X preamp

Screen Shot 2023-09-22 at 7.25.59 PM.png

Anybody have any idea what this might be? My money is on either a Mic-No-Mo' with more feature or a Fryette GP/DI kinda thing, but Dave Friedman has mentioned that he wouldn't compete directly with Fryette (so that also rules out a power station-like load box?)
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If the pic above is a hint, either a load box or preamp of some sort. Wonder if he was working with Fryette/Eganter on something beyond Synergy - enhanced mic-no-mo would fit also as suggested above.
If the pic above is a hint, either a load box or preamp of some sort. Wonder if he was working with Fryette/Eganter on something beyond Synergy - enhanced mic-no-mo would fit also as suggested above.

Agreed, looks like a smaller box with inputs outputs and a push button. His take on an Ox Box?