All I know is this is going to make some great modelling wars content
So NDSP has finally released the long awaited PCOM that allows you to now use plugins as long as you only have the Plini or Gojira
But I have the SLO I have been waiting for this as it sounds better than the current model this is an X right so it has been redesigned right
Annnoucer “ Yes
So I can use it then
Announcer “ no , not exactly
Ok , well that totally sucks
Anyway I will just use the Nameless for now as I just got send the X version
So it’s compatible now
Announcer “ yes it is 100%
Thank god I am excited to get the extra blocks and and load it up ,
Announcer “ you can’t do that
WTF not
Announcer Because you need the update
Ok , well first off this is getting stupid so the PCOM will make it so all plug ins will work with QC
announcer : yes that right
Man thank god because I want to take the spring reverb from the Morgan plug in , so I can do that one PCOM update comes out ?
Announcer “ no you absolutely cannnot
Announcer “ you will need to wait for the Corus update that corresponds with your plug-in