A couple days ago I was with my buddy, trying a borrowed QC. He was testing the pitch shifter (I don´t know which of them) and We both were impressed of how good it tracked and worked. He played Moonlight Shadow, complete, chords and solo, one tone down. No noticeable artifacts. Last saturday he used that QC, with that pitch shifting in three songs, in a large auditorium in Madrid.This discussion keeps going in the NDSP Discord. There's a lot of confusion around the terms. Monophonic is literally "shift exactly one note at a time." Polyphonic is "shift several notes at a time."
Monophonic shifting glitches when you play more than one note because it's attempting to recognize the one single note that's supposed to be played and shift that. Polyphonic is still polyphonic even if it does a poor job like the QC pitch shifter. It can do very simple chords but it loses it's shit when presented with a minor chord, for example.
The question they should be asking is whether the upcoming plugin transpose is a better polyphonic shifter than the OG QC pitch shitter.
Edit: that last word is a typo, but I'm not fixing it because it might as well not be a typo.
I don´t know... I find the QC quite good at it. Didn´t try many others, though.