NAM: Neural Amp Modeler

Is teh Tonehut the main place to get these captures ?

Not finding some of the obscure stuff I'm looking for.. Demeter TGP-3, S.I.R. #39, Snorkler, etc..

Tonehunt is definitely your best place. Also the FB group if FB is your thing
Is teh Tonehut the main place to get these captures ?

Not finding some of the obscure stuff I'm looking for.. Demeter TGP-3, S.I.R. #39, Snorkler, etc..

I haven't come across any captures of #39, but I'm pretty sure there is one of the Marshall AFD on facebook.

Or, if you're into squeaky, unpleasant 80's modded Marshall sounds in general, there's one of my Kram preamp circuit on Tonehunt.
AFD was S.I.R. #36 .. not #39
So you're looking for a NAM cap of a specific instance of an amplifier, not that model but the actual amp; owned by a prominent gear rental company that was operating around 30 years ago, which was decades before the capture technology even existed? Am I tracking right?

And you're expecting this to exist? :P
So you're looking for a NAM cap of a specific instance of an amplifier, not that model but the actual amp; owned by a prominent gear rental company that was operating around 30 years ago, which was decades before the capture technology even existed? Am I tracking right?

And you're expecting this to exist? :p

not discovered or known about; uncertain.


not discovered or known about; uncertain.

Yeah, I get it. The main appeal of all these profiles is for the 'exotic' stuff. I.e. the cool boutique amp that just released and spammed to YT or the legendary unit used to record your fave album from the 80s/90s or what have you. I'm kinda the same.

When I go capture hunting I pass over anything even vaguely pedestrian unless it is absolutely brand new (to me). Soldano SLO? Bogner XTC? Please <eyeroll>; I have a thousand. Give me the genuinely weird stuff.

The appeal of the capture thing for me boils down to two things:
  • Get on the go versions of my personal analog gear at fave settings stored in my unit
  • Sample/Collect stuff I'm never going to shell out for or hunt down in real life.
The first, I think is by far the best selling point for the capture technology if you have a lot of analog gear or flip a lot of it.

For the second, the irony is someone could have just captured some garden variety amp like a Marshall DSL20 and renamed it 'Top Secret Bogner modded JCM800' and I would be all over it, none the wiser, because there is no real reference point.

And maybe it is the real McCoy but I don't like the way it is dialed or the person who capped it has a crappy cab or general process, etc. And it doesn't really represent the device well for me.

After a while, I've kind of burned out on the second thing a bit.
So you're looking for a NAM cap of a specific instance of an amplifier, not that model but the actual amp; owned by a prominent gear rental company that was operating around 30 years ago, which was decades before the capture technology even existed? Am I tracking right?

And you're expecting this to exist? :p
To be fair, the #39 circuit has been sold both as a mod and a complete amp by Tim Caswell fairly recently, so it's not _quite_ hen's teeth.
Yeah, I get it. The main appeal of all these profiles is for the 'exotic' stuff. I.e. the cool boutique amp that just released and spammed to YT or the legendary unit used to record your fave album from the 80s/90s or what have you. I'm kinda the same.

When I go capture hunting I pass over anything even vaguely pedestrian unless it is absolutely brand new (to me). Soldano SLO? Bogner XTC? Please <eyeroll>; I have a thousand. Give me the genuinely weird stuff.

The appeal of the capture thing for me boils down to two things:
  • Get on the go versions of my personal analog gear at fave settings stored in my unit
  • Sample/Collect stuff I'm never going to shell out for or hunt down in real life.
The first, I think is by far the best selling point for the capture technology if you have a lot of analog gear or flip a lot of it.

For the second, the irony is someone could have just captured some garden variety amp like a Marshall DSL20 and renamed it 'Top Secret Bogner modded JCM800' and I would be all over it, none the wiser, because there is no real reference point.

And maybe it is the real McCoy but I don't like the way it is dialed or the person who capped it has a crappy cab or general process, etc. And it doesn't really represent the device well for me.

After a while, I've kind of burned out on the second thing a bit.
Oddly timely aside. There is a guy who is normally an Axe dude. Kind of obscure but recognizable. He does YT tutorial vids. I think he is Italian? Not Marco but I digress. He has a Kemper Vox profile pack I just saw a video of and I immediately thought he just capped a bunch of different Axe III Vox presets :bag Tones sounded very good on my phone for what it's worth/
Here is a video showing how to import NAM models and IRs inside GigFast Lite

A few questions about the macOS version:
  • Is it possible to do bulk uploads of NAM profiles or user IRs? I could not find a way, but I wanted to verify. If it’s not possible, are you considering adding this feature? In lieu of the feature, could files be copied into some application directory for bulk upload?
  • Any plans for a file directory for user profiles/IRs?
I look forward to downloading them!
I bet you'll feel quite silly when you find out that it is not, in fact, a Top Secret Bogner Modded JCM800 preamp but, rather, a one off prototype modded JCM800-ish preamp with an extra gain stage designed and built by me. Ha!
Guardians Of The Galaxy Lol GIF
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I took my first stab at creating a NAM capture. This is a 1000 epoch capture of my Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp through the power amp of my Mark III head. Its a direct capture - 1960A cab as the load captured through the Mesa's slave out.
