Yeah, I get it. The main appeal of all these profiles is for the 'exotic' stuff. I.e. the cool boutique amp that just released and spammed to YT or the legendary unit used to record your fave album from the 80s/90s or what have you. I'm kinda the same.
When I go capture hunting I pass over anything even vaguely pedestrian unless it is absolutely brand new (to me). Soldano SLO? Bogner XTC? Please <eyeroll>; I have a thousand. Give me the genuinely weird stuff.
The appeal of the capture thing for me boils down to two things:
- Get on the go versions of my personal analog gear at fave settings stored in my unit
- Sample/Collect stuff I'm never going to shell out for or hunt down in real life.
The first, I think is by far the best selling point for the capture technology if you have a lot of analog gear or flip a lot of it.
For the second, the irony is someone could have just captured some garden variety amp like a Marshall DSL20 and renamed it 'Top Secret Bogner modded JCM800' and I would be all over it, none the wiser, because there is no real reference point.
And maybe it is the real McCoy but I don't like the way it is dialed or the person who capped it has a crappy cab or general process, etc. And it doesn't really represent the device well for me.
After a while, I've kind of burned out on the second thing a bit.