I like how scooped out the Mids are on the funkily named EQ. Yeah, we don't do Mids
here at Casa
@Iron1 .

Speak for yourself.
I’ll do mid’s in the mash.
Especially with creative musicians that maximize their instruments in that monster mash.
Now you have a sound instead of a guitar dude with a better Metallica sound by himself then all of Metallica together..?
You feel me?
I get it man, I sit in front of my rigs like I did in the cubicals in In School Suspension with a better Hendrix tone then Hendrix knew was imaginable
at these mouse fart low volumes.
-spending up that time in my think tank chamber drumming up ideas & feathering them in.
ONE guitar- play the shit of it, set the guitar up unique to myself and mine that seam.
For me the hang-up is top-end cut at management volumes/noise in a band mix.
Like picking the high strings in a 1st position Cowboy chord as and you can’t hear the notes on the B & E strings.. and when you press on the treble/presence your overall sound starts to
dismantle…-taxed out from the tunes top-end.
That’s why I dig the Stilletto Ace so much.
AWESOME channel/mode options
and with the Wizard Leopard Boost which you can pre-select the boost and the pedal will automatically turn on or off the boost when you change channels
-THAT is dope AF!!!
Serve me the Manwich’ with extra mids & I’ll simmer them outta the hot mess and into
the tonestack recipe.
Fire in the damn hole