Yeah, I never really found myself using the FX and pedals in there except for very rare circumstances. It’s flexible if you are happy with the sounds, though.
At best you won’t hear much difference with a Kemper profile, it depends on the amp being captured, method of capturing and how it’s dialled in. Compared to NAM, a Kemper will never produce a more accurate model. A NAM model will be more accurate and true to the source 100% of the time - it’s one of the few times it’s easy to make a conclusive statement on this stuff.
If the OP is looking for the best captures, Kemper is not it. IMO once you get used to the underlying kemper sounds it’s hard to unhear, everything feels similar with brute force match EQ over the top. Impressive in its day, can still do a job now, but far from the best.
OP here :)
I am really not looking for the "best" captures. I am looking for the best balance of tones, features and support. I want a device whose amps and effects sound great (accuracy is a myth anyway - a modeler can only be accurate when compared to a particular example - the one profiled, but all examples are a little different), has a great feature set (strong MIDI, parameter control via MIDI, scenes/snapshots, excellent editor - preferably mobile and desktop), and a company that understands that improvements/enhancements/bug fixes are as important as the initial feature set, and provides updates several times per year to keep the platform viable for years to come.
I've given up on the idea that I will find a ToneX capture of a HiWatt Custom 100 from the early 70's that actually sounds like mine. My HiWatt (now in my son's hands) was a clean punchy monster that could feedback musically while still clean. All the way on 10, it was still only edge of breakup, and only with humbuckers or P90's. But I have "evolved" to where I am searching for tones that make me happy instead. I've been getting some great clean punchy tones from a JTM45 model in my Stomp, and I've let go of the attitude that if it isn't called a HiWatt, its not good enough.
My opinions on what I've tried so far:
Line 6, for me, is the king of modelers. Great amp sounds, great effects, great features and great company support. They lack capture tech (which I really want to adopt).
ToneX as great amp captures available, and plenty of them. Their effects are very good, although too limited to be an all in one for my taste (except as a backup device). And the ToneX One lacks normal MIDI. I am playing with Greg Smith's solution to the MIDI problem, and it seems very promising. But even with that, the app is garbage. I am looking forward to see how the new "editor" turns out. If they hit a home run, ToneX might be my capture device, but that still remains to be seen.
The Hotone Ampero II Stomp amp tones are good, but the effects are not all so good (some are fine, others really suck). And the MIDI support is a joke. And moreover, their update cycle is also a joke. And when they do release an update, it is insignificant (except for when they added scenes - which should have been there from the beginning).
I have not played a Cortex device (neither one), nor a Kemper (not that interested really).
NAM may be the future direction for a lot of manufacturers. It's sort of like Linux - it may take a while, but it will catch fire eventually. But I haven't seen the hardware from a significant enough company to make me want one just yet.
I hope that helps give you a better idea of what I am looking for.
With that in mind, I'd really like to hear more from Nano Cortex users.