Mini Amps - anyone tried any of them?


TGF Recording Artist
Picked up a Joyo BanTamp ZoMBie and really like it, which led to grabbing a Mini Bogner Ecstasy and now I'm GASing for a Mini SLO. Crazy how loud these tiny amps can get. Don't sound quite as good as the big brothers, but the ZoMBie definitely has the Recto vibe and the Bogner is in the same arena as well.

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I like that lil Bogner. (y)
It's really, really versatile. The ZoMBie is a one trick pony - it does Recto and that's it. The Bogner has killer cleans and a nice variety of gain tones. Both have a full on FX loop, too.
I played the Freidman Runt 20 and I was impressed.

Of all the "pedal with a class D amp" heads, I liked the SLO the best.
Good to hear - just watched Rebea's video and man, I am GASing for one:

Aside from Joyo, I'm not getting these mini, pedal in a box, designer amps. Especially for the price. For the price of two you can get a decent modeler which will definitely sound better.
Picked up a Joyo BanTamp ZoMBie and really like it, which led to grabbing a Mini Bogner Ecstasy and now I'm GASing for a Mini SLO. Crazy how loud these tiny amps can get. Don't sound quite as good as the big brothers, but the ZoMBie definitely has the Recto vibe and the Bogner is in the same arena as well.

I had the Meteor for awhile. Cool little amp and plenty loud through a 2x12
I am definitely intrigued by the mini Bogner and Soldano. Didn’t much care for the Diezel one. For a little home practice amp it could be fun
I wouldn't mine picking up the mini Soldano but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't use it lol. But it sure would look cool.
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I am definitely intrigued by the mini Bogner and Soldano. Didn’t much care for the Diezel one. For a little home practice amp it could be fun
I almost got a used Diezel over the summer, but the seller got COVID and hasn't resisted it. Hope dude is ok. What didn't you like about it?

These are definitely not "take out and gig" amps, despite what the influencers say, but they do get crazy loud for how tiny they are and I'm sure people could gig with them in a pinch.
5153 50w is as small as i would go. but i do keep a quilter around for backup just in case.
Aside from Joyo, I'm not getting these mini, pedal in a box, designer amps. Especially for the price. For the price of two you can get a decent modeler which will definitely sound better.
Yes, most of these small SS and hybrid amps are primarily novelties and backups only. Branding them after these big $$ boutique brands is kind of a gimmick and undermines those brands, IMHO. A lot better off tonally with a small modeler and pedal power amp if you want compact toanz.
I'm a massive fan of the Yamaha THR10 series amps; owned the standard THR10 in the past but I'm using the THR10X now.

It's not just my favorite practice amp; it's also one of my favorite amps period. Hell I've even played live gigs with it lined out in to my Fryette Powerstation

Here's a couple lil test clips I did with it direct to pc:


Metal :