Mesa Squad: DC-5 vs. .50cal+ ?


Rock Star
TGF Recording Artist
I probably shouldn't do anything dumb, but just in case I decide I want too....

Which would you choose and why? There is one of each at very reasonable prices local to me...
They're both really good; kind of a mix of a Mark flavor with a bit of Recto. I had the DC-5 for years, and would go for that. The dedicated EQ per channel is definitely nice to have.

Nice, I had an express 5:50+ for a while that I really liked, which to my understanding is in the same overall lineage as both of thes amps

I've always heard people say both these models are superior to the expresses tho

the DC-5 is even cheaper than the cal...
Nice, I had an express 5:50+ for a while that I really liked, which to my understanding is in the same overall lineage as both of thes amps

I've always heard people say both these models are superior to the expresses tho

the DC-5 is even cheaper than the cal...
I've had an Express 5:50+ as well. It's nice amp, but the DC-5 is more aggressive and definitely more raw, in a good way.
I've had an Express 5:50+ as well. It's nice amp, but the DC-5 is more aggressive and definitely more raw, in a good way.

Yeah I felt burn mode was probably the weakest point on the amp (I also chalked up the open back cab to this as well) but I still made it work for plenty of gigs

I don't have any business buying another amp right now but I'm feeling tempted :LOL:
They are iterations of the same topology, no? Wasn't the DC-5 derived from the .50Cal+? 50 Caliber, Dual Caliber?? :idk

I had a .50Cal+ and it was a cool amp. Overdrive was a little mushy and creamy for a Mesa, though. Wasn't really a
tighter/modern feeling amp like Mesa has become known for. Mostly.
Yeah I felt burn mode was probably the weakest point on the amp (I also chalked up the open back cab to this as well) but I still made it work for plenty of gigs

I don't have any business buying another amp right now but I'm feeling tempted :LOL:
I still feel it was a fantastic amp; just not the right fit for me. I couldn't get it to sit well with my Tele on anything but clean or mid-gain, which bummed me out. Sounded killer with H-H though.
They are iterations of the same topology, no? Wasn't the DC-5 derived from the .50Cal+? 50 Caliber, Dual Caliber?? :idk

I had a .50Cal+ and it was a cool amp. Overdrive was a little mushy and creamy for a Mesa, though. Wasn't really a
tighter/modern feeling amp like Mesa has become known for. Mostly.
I agree. Even the DC-5 benefited from something pushing it to tighten up a bit.
I still feel it was a fantastic amp; just not the right fit for me. I couldn't get it to sit well with my Tele on anything but clean or mid-gain, which bummed me out. Sounded killer with H-H though.

Oh yeah I definitely loved that amp, kinda wish I had kept it around. I felt the clean channel was worth the price of admission alone. I really liked how it took pedals too. I would be happy using the express as a single channel amp

I think the guitarist from Crowbar has always used .50cals?
I don't miss the .50Cal+ one bit, if that says anything. :idk

Not a sound or feel I would want, but we all have different needs. :LOL:
Oh yeah I definitely loved that amp, kinda wish I had kept it around. I felt the clean channel was worth the price of admission alone. I really liked how it took pedals too. I would be happy using the express as a single channel amp

I think the guitarist from Crowbar has always used .50cals?
That definitely rings a bell, for sure. I miss mine. Wouldn't mind getting a 50w head again. I had the combo, which was a bit much for weight.
Also, people have a really fucked up idea what "Excellent" is, on Reverb.

Way back in like 97 or 98 when I was a dumb teen blowing all my money on a Rev G Recto, I compared it against a DC5 a couple times at my local (2 hours away lol) Mesa dealer and had fond impressions.

Great tones and pretty versatile.
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I did not care for the DC-3 I had, but I have heard the DC-5 is a completely different beast.
Yeah very different indeed. The DC-3 really suffered from the problems often associated with an EL84 power section, but more so than the newer amps do.