Matching Bogren one knob amps with Helix


Thanks to @James Freeman , I am able to much easier match tones, especially the really difficult, non linear parts. However I've been busting my balls to try and match either vitriol or panama to Bogren 66o6. With -6dbfs pink noise, and using an impulse match and capture, I can get them to nearly null, but when I actually play the guitar (no matter what reference level) the entire frequency spectrum tilts with the match tone slanting from below the original on the low end to above the original on the high end...Any clue what this could be?

How do I know where to set the master volume on Helix? What about the Bias?
Give the pink noise a lowpass at 1kHz 12dB/Oct, particularly with the high input level, it will be more similar to a guitar frequency response.
At the linear region (low input signal) you can use flat pink noise or leave the lowpass enabled.
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I'm really wondering how in the world to properly set the gain and other things like master, bias and stuff.

I used your -75 to try and match distortion levels and -15 to set the overall volume and then back and forth till they were similar.

The crazy part is just how perfectly the IR capture method got the noise to where they pretty much nulled. Hopefully your 1k filter trick will help
I say this with love.

But why keep wasting time trying to pound a square peg into a round hole? Use something else that does the sound you want it to do.
And really, I'd LOVE to know why things aren't acting as I'd expect they would. Its very much like I'm seeing 2+2 and getting 5 and not sure why
Tone matching is fun. I like to get close with the amp + ir, then use a looper, load up a parametric EQ and some filters and go to town using SPAN.
@James Freeman I'm using your -15 and -6 pink noise files, are they already filtered at 1khz?

Here is an example of when I use a guitar riff to do the impulse match. It matches the riff perfectly, but if I run noise thru, I get the top picture


On the other hand, if I use pink noise to make the impulse match, it matches the original perfectly when i play noise thru it, but if I play a riff thru it, I get the opposite of the picture above


One capture method tilts the eq towards the highs and the other tilts the eq towards the lows...I'm assuming this is from one of the nonlinear components maybe...What can I do to get both to match better?