mac a mac studio total overkill vs. a mac mini?

My read when an OP asks about which Mac to get to replace a pre-existing Mac is that the OP could give a s**t about the "does Mac suck?" debate; OP wants a Mac.
thank you, boudoir guitar. YOU ACTUALLY GET IT!

to the clowns like paisleywookiee:

don't confuse my saying apple is a shittier company now than when jobs died with wanting a PC. they aren't mutually exclusive, just like saying i don't like trump doesn't mean i am a democrat.

but some people like you can't figure this out.

here is the quote i made for the cheap seats you are evidently sitting in:

apple is way different/shittier since jobs died.

guess what that doesn't mean? that doesn't mean i want to get a PC or switch to a different platform.
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Yeah, it really doesn't make a lot of sense in either direction, really. If you're entrenched in one or the other, it's a PITA to switch. I suppose you could argue "vendor lock-in", but that's somewhat true whichever way you slice it. If I were a Windows guy running even something available on MacOS, I still wouldn't want to completely switch platforms, unless there's a really good reason.

What's odd is the OP, asking for advice about Studio vs. Mini, is the one saying Apple is way shittier. Er, okay. If it's so much shittier, vote with your wallet and switch. If I thought the same thing, I'd certainly be switching.

Apple's value has gone from 300B to 2T since Jobs died, so I have to think most Apple customers on some level are pretty happy with their s**t though.
apple today is way shittier than when jobs was around. learn to read, clown.

and if you think stock price is a good measurement of whether users like the product, you are an absolutely fucking idiot. based on your logic, crypto is actually worth something, and was worth something in early november right before FTX showed everyone what a fucking scam it was.

thank god i can ignore this clown.
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apple today is way shittier than when jobs was around. learn to read, clown.
Okee dokee, resort to name-calling, shitbird.

Awesome edit, numbnuts. Yes, please ignore me, and I'll do the same. You're as worthless as your posts. Another fucking idiot that's a keyboard warrior.
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I’ll post here one more time, to make my point clear, since it apparently was super difficult for the OP’s pea-sized brain to understand:

What kind of fool would think a company is way shittier than it was a decade ago, and yet think “yeah, I’m still going to give them another grand or two”? To me, it’s absurd.

Buy something else. It’s clear from his posts that he’s an extremely remedial user, given that he was running an old machine that couldn’t be updated as it is.

While I don’t share @laxu ’s beef with resolutions/peripherals, I’ll admit he brings up valid points, and thus he is voting with his wallet, and largely moving away. Makes sense.

I’ve got a Mac Mini M1. I dig it. I’ve got the iPhone and iPad too. But I’ve also got an HP Z4 workstation running here too, with Windows and Linux running, and it’s amazing too. The days are LONG gone of feeling imprisoned by any manufacturer.
I say this as an IT Professional going on 28 years now. Sysadmin, Network Admin, Senior Data Analyst and a few other IT hats in those years.

Always get the most you can afford. There is no such thing as overkill in the computing world. Yes, obsolescence has slowed down considerably in the last 20 years or so but that's no excuse to cheap out if you don't have to. I also mean get what fits. A 2k gaming video card doesn't make sense for a recording studio.
I say this as an IT Professional going on 28 years now. Sysadmin, Network Admin, Senior Data Analyst and a few other IT hats in those years.

Always get the most you can afford. There is no such thing as overkill in the computing world. Yes, obsolescence has slowed down considerably in the last 20 years or so but that's no excuse to cheap out if you don't have to. I also mean get what fits. A 2k gaming video card doesn't make sense for a recording studio.
I wish I could find a Windows DAW I gelled with enough to switch back; I miss building machines exactly how I want.
I wish I could find a Windows DAW I gelled with enough to switch back; I miss building machines exactly how I want.

For me because I don't do mission critical stuff on my personal computers I just have beefed up Dell's across the board. I do love my iPad also. I have custom built so many personal computers ( as in hundreds to prolly over a thousand) since 1988 or so that I just don't have the urge to do it any more. Every few years or so I pick out a Dell that has specs that I like and usually upgrade the ram and amount of SSD's in them and call it a day. The last 10 years I have owned 4 Dell PC's/laptops and literally zero problems with any of them.
Okee dokee, resort to name-calling, shitbird.

Awesome edit, numbnuts. Yes, please ignore me, and I'll do the same. You're as worthless as your posts. Another f*****g idiot that's a keyboard warrior.
keyboard warrior? i have deals with more than a few companies, so i guess they like keyboard warriors. :)

i also post clips of my playing, and while i ain't pete thorn or shawn tubbs, i can do just fine as a competent player. not my fault you can't fucking read.
keyboard warrior? i have deals with more than a few companies, so i guess they like keyboard warriors. :)

i also post clips of my playing, and while i ain't pete thorn or shawn tubbs, i can do just fine as a competent player. not my fault you can't f*****g read.
I thought you ignored me? 😂 Also, not my fault you missed my point entirely. Go back to ignoring me, dipshit. Go spend a grand or two with a company that’s “way shittier”, since you’re not smart enough to switch.

Here’s the deal: I said nothing inflammatory, and yet you escalated to name calling. Be a man, own up to it. Or not. I just find you amusing at this point. 😂
Also, please keep holding on to the “you can’t read” straw man. It’s funny. I can read just fine; I just think you’re a fucking imbecile.


Here’s the funny part; I do agree it’s a PITA to switch, even when you’re not as happy with a company anymore. I just think you’re not very well informed, and with a machine from 2010, have no idea wtf you’re talking about anyway. I was trying to help you, given your use case, and save you money.

But hell, now I think you should get that Studio! Spend that money!
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I was at the Apple Store today, actually. Looking at either the M1 Air or M2 Air as a grab and go. I couldn’t believe all the miserable bastards there, buying stuff. 😂
I was at the Apple Store today, actually. Looking at either the M1 Air or M2 Air as a grab and go. I couldn’t believe all the miserable bastards there, buying stuff. 😂
I haven't been to an apple store in many many years now... But when I did go that one time I definitely felt the urge to see just how genius those genius bar doods are :unsure:. To be fair I wanted to do the same to the peeps at the Microsoft store right across from it lol.
I haven't been to an apple store in many many years now... But when I did go that one time I definitely felt the urge to see just how genius those genius bar doods are :unsure:. To be fair I wanted to do the same to the peeps at the Microsoft store right across from it lol.
They’re not very genius. I took their exam, it’s not that big of a deal at all if you’re already into IT stuff. But it was helpful in directing them if I brought a machine in for one of my users.
I'm curious how you were admin'ing macs for enterprise enviroments. I fkn hate it. We use JAMF for our macs but even then such a pain in the ass. I know people hate active directory n shit but it works great for permissions n stuff. Then there are the mac users that get all irate when they find out that docking stations can't spit the mac's m1 video output... *sigh*

But anyway, as for op and this thread I'm 100% with Bob Zaod, get the most you can afford... even the 2k Nvidia RTX 4090 cards if its available for you :clint
I'm curious how you were admin'ing macs for enterprise enviroments. I fkn hate it. We use JAMF for our macs but even then such a pain in the ass. I know people hate active directory n s**t but it works great for permissions n stuff. Then there are the mac users that get all irate when they find out that docking stations can't spit the mac's m1 video output... *sigh*

But anyway, as for op and this thread I'm 100% with Bob Zaod, get the most you can afford... even the 2k Nvidia RTX 4090 cards if its available for you :clint
It was a mix of AirWatch and Active Directory. Wasn’t perfect, but it did the job. And overall, the users that had previously been nightmarish on Windows got really quiet on Mac. They couldn’t hose it up. 😂
It was a mix of AirWatch and Active Directory. Wasn’t perfect, but it did the job. And overall, the users that had previously been nightmarish on Windows got really quiet on Mac. They couldn’t hose it up. 😂
We've had some developers request to switch to mac's recently. I like when they request for MS Visio to be installed on their machine... there is no Visio app for the mac. 🖖
We've had some developers request to switch to mac's recently. I like when they request for MS Visio to be installed on their machine... there is no Visio app for the mac. 🖖
Yeah we had that problem. “These are all the apps you need, yes?”

“Yes, I’m sure. That’s it.”

“Oh wait, I forgot about MS Project”.

Even if they didn’t have it already; they’d want it added. Best fix/workaround was Citrix. Problem solved.