Located Bob Zaod's Drummer today.

la szum

TGF Recording Artist
Life delivers once again. No. You cannot make this shit up.

This was a reply to my phone from a CL ad I created looking for musicians.


Hey, Bob, if you learn another 9,550 songs by my count you two will be on the same footing. :idk

I did some math and if you learned 1 song a day for an entire year with no days off it would take
you nearly 27 and 1/2 years to learn 10,000 songs.

Or you could just start a Tool Tribute band and call it 10,000 Songs. :LOL:
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Yup. The dude has stories.... and 10,000 songs! :LOL:

Said he bought some property as far north as he could find to prepare for
the imminent Zombie Apocalypse. No shit! His words almost to the letter.

Thanks for the heads up on the number, Mav. I wasn't aware it would show and
have blanked it out.
I am near the much less populated Atlanta. Famous for the largest, free-ranging Elk population East of the Mississippi. :beer

Elk is delicious! :chef
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Some of us prefer to provision our own food, not depend on some stranger aka the man plus the FDA.

When you kill something to eat it… It’s an honest meal. (It’s the opposite of “catch and release” sport fishing, which I never understood why someone would torture a poor animal to capture it, and then not eat it.)

Guess how many federal agencies are involved with a chicken egg, farm to table? How about seven? Lmao!

My grandmother found store bought chickens to be absolutely disgusting and vile, butchered who knows how long ago and then again sitting on the stores shelves for a week in plastic.

She would only eat a freshly slaughtered bird. Guess what job my father had growing up?
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Yeah they’re not that tough. They fall down like everything else when hit with a .30 Cal round traveling ~2400-3000 ft./s.
Not as weak as Caribou (Reindeer) though. I swear they could be hit with a .22 a be like "Awww crap" then just lay down. They don't even attempt to run in most cases, the rest of the herd might.

The Innuit regulary hunt them with a .223 or SKS.
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Not as weak as Caribou (Reindeer) though. I swear they could be hit with a .22 a be like "Awww crap" then just lay dow. They don't even attempt to run in most cases, the rest of the herd might.

The Innuit regulary hunt them with a .223 or SKS.

Natives are usually running what’s very inexpensive around here as far as hardware. Especially in AK.

Shit just a couple years ago, part of my family living on the rez in Montana couldn’t even get 300 win mag. I sent them home with a couple of boxes.

My nephew (MT) dropped an elk at 600 yards last year with a .308… Incredibly lucky shot. But he also said “sees” the trigonometry in his mind.