Line 6 mystery product speculation

Touchscreen modelers need to include an integrated stylus pen
Serious Leslie Nielsen GIF by filmeditor

Why not? Have a spring loaded stylus in the unit and pop it out when needed. Better than using some sweaty fat fingers in the middle of a show. Plus it will be a big money maker for the manufacturer when people lose the pens and need to replace them.
I made a very similar joke, in a completely different forum, from a manufacturer.... whenever feature requests would get a little too out there and demanding.

My go to was a holographic lyrics sheet feature though ..good on ya!!!👍🤣
Besides every modern phone having one. :grin

Some people are trying to fight gravity. DI has more experience with this shit than anyone, and he said they barely lost a coin flip on using a touchscreen ten years ago. :ROFLMAO: That’s with the decade old components and software they had at the time, and he was still fighting for it.

In five years time you won’t be able to release a premier tier device without a touchscreen or equivalent UI.
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Some people are trying to fight gravity. DI has more experience with this shit than anyone, and he said they barely lost a coin flip on using a touchscreen ten years ago. :ROFLMAO: That’s with decade old components and software they had at the time, and he was still fighting for it.

In five years time you won’t be able to release a premier tier device without a touchscreen or equivalent UI.
Yeah a Helix or FM9 in the QC format with HX Edit or FM9-Edit (respectively) on the device with some tweaks would be killer.
Some people are trying to fight gravity. DI has more experience with this shit than anyone, and he said they barely lost a coin flip on using a touchscreen ten years ago. :ROFLMAO: That’s with decade old components and software they had at the time, and he was still fighting for it.

In five years time you won’t be able to release a premier tier device without a touchscreen or equivalent UI.
No doubt. I love real controls too, but we all use phones constantly. Not necessarily a great thing :ROFLMAO:, but we can work our way around a phone like nobody's business.