Line 6 mystery product speculation

Yeah but it has the letter N and E in it, like Neural, and someone at TOP said it’s 100% going to be a profiler. Not sure who this Digital Igloo guy is but maybe he should read some other posts at TOP and get informed.
More powerful Helix maybe with the original touchscreen implemented but DI has said on many occasion it is of no interest to them and it would be boring , so while many would love to see that product I don’t think it’s in The cards
He's also said (IIRC) that Line 6 originally considered a touchscreen version and (IIRC) he preferred it. But he was met with resistance from the rest of the team and/or corporate interests. (Timing wasn't right; typical end users weren't yet sufficiently familiar with touchscreens; etc.)

Another SKU in the Helix line w/ touchscreen might be boring, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't make sense. I doubt anyone thought another HX Stomp with extra switches was the most exciting work ever, but HX Stomp XL was a sensible product, had a target audience, and was clearly going to generate revenue. Same for a new HX product with an easier touchscreen interface. (Or a smaller full-fat Helix minus the expression pedal and a couple of footswitches? Or both?)
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Yeah but it has the letter N and E in it, like Neural, and someone at TOP said it’s 100% going to be a profiler. Not sure who this Digital Igloo guy is but maybe he should read some other posts at TOP and get informed.
Someone at The Other Place© said the Nexus logo looks like Neural's logo. It doesn't. At all. In the slightest. What the hell?
He's also said (IIRC) that Line 6 originally considered a touchscreen version and (IIRC) he preferred it. But he was met with resistance from the rest of the team and/or corporate interests. (Timing wasn't right; typical end users weren't yet sufficiently familiar with touchscreens; etc.)
Oh, it was completely designed, screens, navigation, icons, and all. We had months of TRD (Technical Requirement Document) meetings with the entire development team (read: expensive meetings) going over it. And then some in the org got cold feet because they felt touchscreens are inherently less reliable than non-touchscreens. Except they're not. At all. In the slightest. What the hell?

And then just as expected, the first day we announced Helix we were inundated with comments about how that big color screen should've been a touchscreen. And I told the sordid story. And another company read those posts. And they busted out a product very similar to Helix... except with a touchscreen (and four of the top five unfulfilled requests from our IdeaScale site).

But it all turned out fine in the end.
Someone at The Other Place© said the Nexus logo looks like Neural's logo. It doesn't. At all. In the slightest. What the hell?

Oh, it was completely designed, screens, navigation, icons, and all. We had months of TRD (Technical Requirement Document) meetings with the entire development team (read: expensive meetings) going over it. And then some in the org got cold feet because they felt touchscreens are inherently less reliable than non-touchscreens. Except they're not. At all. In the slightest. What the hell?

And then just as expected, the first day we announced Helix we were inundated with comments about how that big color screen should've been a touchscreen. And I told the sordid story. And another company read those posts. And they busted out a product very similar to Helix... except with a touchscreen (and four of the top five unfulfilled requests from our IdeaScale site).

But it all turned out fine in the end.
Yeah, that's about how I remembered you relating it at TOP.

Re: touchscreens and reliability, I keep having the same fight whenever the topic of a FAS GUI overhaul comes up.
Yeah, that's about how I remembered you relating it at TOP.

Re: touchscreens and reliability, I keep having the same fight whenever the topic of a FAS GUI overhaul comes up.
Yeah, Fractal's UI is really good, especially considering how deep and powerful it is. There are a quite a few improvements that could be made without dumbing it down, but the same could be said for pretty much everyone's UI, including ours.
Yeah, Fractal's UI is really good, especially considering how deep and powerful it is. There are a quite a few improvements that could be made without dumbing it down, but the same could be said for pretty much everyone's UI, including ours.
I tend to be a little more "glass half empty" about it, but I agree that it could be improved without dumbing it down. Nearly everyone wants to lock horns based on the presumption that it has to be either/or.
Yeah, Fractal's UI is really good, especially considering how deep and powerful it is. There are a quite a few improvements that could be made without dumbing it down, but the same could be said for pretty much everyone's UI, including ours.
While I'm not a Line 6 customer, I would like to compliment you on your demeanor, your frankness, sense of humor and communication with users in this forum.

I have come to appreciate your responses in the helix related threads, and generally follow them just to read them.....not sure what that says about me, just wanted to convey that to you.
Even though I'm not a customer, I appreciate you and your work. Thanks.
He's also said (IIRC) that Line 6 originally considered a touchscreen version and (IIRC) he preferred it. But he was met with resistance from the rest of the team and/or corporate interests. (Timing wasn't right; typical end users weren't yet sufficiently familiar with touchscreens; etc.)

Another SKU in the Helix line w/ touchscreen might be boring, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't make sense. I doubt anyone thought another HX Stomp with extra switches was the most exciting work ever, but HX Stomp XL was a sensible product, had a target audience, and was clearly going to generate revenue. Same for a new HX product with an easier touchscreen interface. (Or a smaller full-fat Helix minus the expression pedal and a couple of footswitches? Or both?)
little did they know they could have beat everyone to the punch...Now they will be considered following the pack if they do.
I tend to be a little more "glass half empty" about it, but I agree that it could be improved without dumbing it down. Nearly everyone wants to lock horns based on the presumption that it has to be either/or.
The problem with the touchscreen IMO is you have to spend the money there an implement it well a touch screen w limited targets points that you have to swipe or press many times is just going to annoy people

Like it or not in the current age people are always going to compare the touchscreen exp to the iPhone galaxy iPad etc etc so you need to be in that ballpark
The new Hotone for what it is Even the mini is very good sensing for the $$$
As someone with a touchscreen modeler, it isn't that all.

BUT......if the switches and encoders take a crap, and you don't have the ability to repair can use the screen at least ..and there is that.

IMHO, the beauty of programing for a touch screen is in the ability to register the touch accurately, and then they need to get the hotzones programmed realistically....not some tiny little zone that never registers....arrrgggg!!!!!!!

I am positive this is where the profit loss becomes unbearable for a company....and then customers still I am.🤣

Seriously though, I use my encoder more...just because it is more precise and easier to control while changing parameters.....way faster too.

I only use my touchscreen to select the blocks...and that is even dumb.

(Yes I own a headrush device...leave me alone)
little did they know they could have beat everyone to the punch...Now they will be considered following the pack if they do.
I think we're making a little too much of this. Touchscreens aren't exactly novel anywhere at this point. No one is going to look at e.g. a Helix mkII with touchscreen and think "Oh Line 6 is riding so-and-so's coattails." They're going to think (provided it's done well), "That makes sense", and/or "Fire that thing up so I can hear what it sounds like!"