Let's see the tiny low wattage tube amps you love

For a long time, it used to be that there were no good 8 inch options, but Jupiter do some nice stuff now.

I bought it's ceramic cousin, the WGS G8C, for my Tweed tones and it was a great fit. I think the Jupiter and Fat Jimmy versions are refinements of this speaker, and I do want to try both versions eventually. The Weber Sig 8 that I had before made me dislike 8" speakers.

As for 5W amps, here's my contribution: some audio examples of my Tweed Champ/Princeton clone, captured through NAM.
But I'd love to have a small tube amp and have seriously considered getting a Rivera era Fender Super Champ but always seem to end up getting something else.

I own an 83.
It's the loudest 18 watts you'll ever hear. I've measured it at 126 decibels.
To put that into perspective, a 100 watt Marshall halfstack is generally around 130 decibels.
Obviously, it doesn't have that type of bottom end or sound as full with a single 10" speaker and tiny cab, but it's absolutely piercing loud in a way other low wattage 1x10 amps like a little Princeton or pro jr is not. It also has far more gain. IMO it's the king of all small amps. I don't know why Fender doesn't reissue it.