"Is it gone, though?" AKA "Oh Hi, (not) Mark!" AKA Retail therapy

My SD-1 is so Frankensteined I really need to chase down a stock pedal just to remind myself how it sounds. This one was my test bed for learning about filtering and the effects of different clipping elements, which is why it’s loaded up with LEDs instead of the usual diodes. It sounds cool though.

The Fulltone Fulldrive is a good alternative for guitarists looking for more flexibility out of their SD-1. There are tons of other options as well.
My SD-1 is so Frankensteined I really need to chase down a stock pedal just to remind myself how it sounds. This one was my test bed for learning about filtering and the effects of different clipping elements, which is why it’s loaded up with LEDs instead of the usual diodes. It sounds cool though.

The Fulltone Fulldrive is a good alternative for guitarists looking for more flexibility out of their SD-1. There are tons of other options as well.
I...need to get my cabinet destination settled with this amp. I might just gig the dual EVHs this next go round and then figure out what channel/mode I am going to live in and then choose my boost from there.
Not sure how I missed this thread, but congrats JT!
Could it be the obtuse thread title? :rofl Thank you sir!
Or my obtuse intellect... 🤣
bill murray smile GIF by Sky
You're welcome. :beer

So rude. Not even a Thank You to those of us who set you up with the epic Alley-Oop!

Slam Dunk GIF by NBA

With something like a Recto; it's almost like you (aka me) are trying too hard on purpose to find something completely different other than the official magic speaker bullet when you know you should just go with what works :hmm Thanks as always! :beer
Good evening peeps. Had a ROUGH ass week. Not fun or good in the slightest. Yesterday was the pinnacle of said :cry: Today; I woke up still in a bit of a fog and decided to get out of the house for some retail therapy. Much needed indeed.

Found something I've wanted on the FB turdplace and met up. Oh lordy! Apologies to @spawnofthesith @EOengineer and @la szum for not following through with my Mark whatever destiny we've been yakking about. I'll get back to it. It's fucking (2023 Blackout Special Edition) Recto time \m/:satan Props to @Mongillo19 for the intermittent enabling on this particular model.
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Price was right. It was basically new and never played 2023 model. I'm still Mark hunting but every one I want is 35 years old and scary. Or ASTRONOMICALLY priced. The Recto itch has been here for some time.

Now I need to fill those speaker holes in the Mesa cab that's been here for 3 years


Quick playthrough was exactly as expected. Holy fucking fuck. Chunk (even through my 112) for DAYS. Oof. Clean channel is GREAT as well as 2 and 3. Ran the VP4 through the loop and did my shitty Devin/Borland hybrid riffing and it was just smile city. Very pleased \m/

Nice amp!!
JT, not trying to be insulting or (too much of a) smartass, but..."Recto itch" sounds kinda... you know... odd? :facepalm There's gotta be some other way to put that, dude, sounds like you need Prep H or something...:sofa.