I Want a Headless

I’ve yet to come across an Aristides to try out, but I’m definitely intrigued. What model and finish did you end up going with this time?
I‘m going with a Headless and a Chameleon finish.
Seriously I wanted a Chameleon finish for years singe I have seen an Ibanez S Series with a Chameleon finish many years ago.
I‘m going with a set of Bare Knuckle Polymath and also the Hantug vibrato.
Even trying to keep it as cheap as possible an Aristides is €4072. I would be happy with a raw one like this.


Finding it hard to justify the price. Hmmm...
That was my concern as well but the price is cheap for what you get.
The price is actually easily justified by the guitar but I get it .
What should I say, I played near every brand in the past 25 years including Custom Shop, PRS Private Stock etc.
My Aristides is the most perfect guitar that I have ever played.
I totally understand that people are concerned about the price but to me it‘s a bargin for what you get.
It‘s a perfect piece of gear that you don’t have to sorry about and that you can trust in.
It‘S totally worth the money and I absolutely love the fact that you don’t have the inconsistency from wood.
With the carbonfiber exosceleton and the Arium Dillingen, it‘s allways a consistent base.
I just want to know why the dudes holding these Aristides for the camera all look so dour. They should be beaming! Maybe it's a Nordic austerity thing. "You grow up watching Ingmar Bergman movies and tell me how much you want to smile. Now go watch Rambo 8 and shut the fuck up!"
Ok, now I can finally answer This question.
After playing my Aristides for some days now I realized that it was a waste of time to play all the other guitars over the year.

(Yeah don‘t take it to serious)
I just want to know why the dudes holding these Aristides for the camera all look so dour. They should be beaming! Maybe it's a Nordic austerity thing. "You grow up watching Ingmar Bergman movies and tell me how much you want to smile. Now go watch Rambo 8 and shut the fuck up!"

The Netherlands isn't Nordic though.
That was my concern as well but the price is cheap for what you get.

What should I say, I played near every brand in the past 25 years including Custom Shop, PRS Private Stock etc.
My Aristides is the most perfect guitar that I have ever played.
I totally understand that people are concerned about the price but to me it‘s a bargin for what you get.
It‘s a perfect piece of gear that you don’t have to sorry about and that you can trust in.
It‘S totally worth the money and I absolutely love the fact that you don’t have the inconsistency from wood.
With the carbonfiber exosceleton and the Arium Dillingen, it‘s allways a consistent base.

I think I need to sell a couple of guitars and shuffle my finances.
The chances of my getting a new guitar depend largely on how beautiful my wife thinks it is (obviously if I want something I don’t need her permission, but it’s the enablement piece here). I showed her a Strandberg and she was disgusted lmao. Have to reintroduce it later on
The chances of my getting a new guitar depend largely on how beautiful my wife thinks it is (obviously if I want something I don’t need her permission, but it’s the enablement piece here). I showed her a Strandberg and she was disgusted lmao. Have to reintroduce it later on
Just show her some of the nice sparkle finishes from the Aristides Gallery.
This Aristides on page 6 is making me mad. Hard time not ordering one of these as I love new technologies and going untrotted ways.