I like a general HX thread!
Yesterday night, after I believe about 2 years, I've brought my helix floor, 2x12 with greenbacks and SD power amp into a rehearsal space and played some rock with real human beings. Can't explain how good it felt.
Anyway the Helix sounded so good I couldn't believe it and real cabs are the thing. I'm so glad I've bought this 2x12.
I don't know why on earth I've decided to buy an ""FRFR"" when I did it, I mean they are good but... come on. ...
I really regret selling my 4x12 now. ""FRFR"" are good, are versatile and all but they are not what I love to hear behind me.
I've spent the night with a Plexi Trem and Park 75 and they both delivered a great fat hard rock tone.
I use a very simple signal chain (inside articulated presets) hi pass to tame the lowend of my Gibsons, Pillars for boosting, Amp, a touch of reverb).
Bottom end: Helix into real cabs is more than awesome.