Headrush "FRFR" 108


I was at a buddies place the other day doing some troubleshooting. He's got a couple modeling gizmos, a CLR and the Headrush. Trying the CLR and Headrush side by side was quite enlightening. The Headrush is AWESOME! Holy Crap. The Headrush is an AWESOME way to waste money! It's horrible. Just terrible. Ridiculously exaggerated low end and a shrill top end that even Roy Buchanan couldn't take. If this is what people are playing their modelers through I feel bad for everyone that has to hear it.
I was at a buddies place the other day doing some troubleshooting. He's got a couple modeling gizmos, a CLR and the Headrush. Trying the CLR and Headrush side by side was quite enlightening. The Headrush is AWESOME! Holy Crap. The Headrush is an AWESOME way to waste money! It's horrible. Just terrible. Ridiculously exaggerated low end and a shrill top end that even Roy Buchanan couldn't take. If this is what people are playing their modelers through I feel bad for everyone that has to hear it.
Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Interestingly enough, I'm playing an Alto TS310. Which IMO is offering pretty great value for money. Compared it in a direct A/B/C shootout with A Yamaha DBX10 and an RCF (not sure which exact model, but it's been the most expensive of the three), went for the Alto - not because of the price but because I liked the sound the most (fwiw, I even tried during a pretty loud rehearsal). Fwiw, earlier on I had also directly compared the TS210 against the 310.

Now, why am I saying this? Because the HR FRFRs are very likely the same kind of monitors, just rebranded and with slightly different input options.
Ok, so at one point in time I thought I could as well add something smaller to my arsenal, wanted to keep one in a rehearsal room, another one at home, too. So I checked out the HR 108 (grabbed it for a weekend at the local store).
What a surprise (really!) - after reading up a bit on the web I didn't expect too much, but I still sort of expected something kind of half-decent. But: No, just no! Exactly the same findings as @hippietim.
I suppose there's no free lunch, and especially with monitors I always thought you'd get what you pay for, but I can safely say that with my Alto I feel like I've got more than I paid for (and it's really served me well for a whole lot of gigs) while with the HR you're burning money. Which, as said, is quite astonishing to me as they're basically very similar stuff (part of the reason might however be the mentioned pretty artifical low end hype).

Whatever, in case someone has another hot tip for a decent 8" "FRFR" but the QSCs (which I still want to check out, they're just never available locally), I'm all ears.
Interestingly enough, I'm playing an Alto TS310. Which IMO is offering pretty great value for money. Compared it in a direct A/B/C shootout with A Yamaha DBX10 and an RCF (not sure which exact model, but it's been the most expensive of the three), went for the Alto - not because of the price but because I liked the sound the most (fwiw, I even tried during a pretty loud rehearsal). Fwiw, earlier on I had also directly compared the TS210 against the 310.

Now, why am I saying this? Because the HR FRFRs are very likely the same kind of monitors, just rebranded and with slightly different input options.
Ok, so at one point in time I thought I could as well add something smaller to my arsenal, wanted to keep one in a rehearsal room, another one at home, too. So I checked out the HR 108 (grabbed it for a weekend at the local store).
What a surprise (really!) - after reading up a bit on the web I didn't expect too much, but I still sort of expected something kind of half-decent. But: No, just no! Exactly the same findings as @hippietim.
I suppose there's no free lunch, and especially with monitors I always thought you'd get what you pay for, but I can safely say that with my Alto I feel like I've got more than I paid for (and it's really served me well for a whole lot of gigs) while with the HR you're burning money. Which, as said, is quite astonishing to me as they're basically very similar stuff (part of the reason might however be the mentioned pretty artifical low end hype).

Whatever, in case someone has another hot tip for a decent 8" "FRFR" but the QSCs (which I still want to check out, they're just never available locally), I'm all ears.

I had one of the Altos a few years back - I forget the exact model. I took it to one rehearsal. Everyone in the band made me promise never to use it again. It wasn't even close to the anything I had used before - FBT 12ma, CLR, several different RCFs, QSC K10, etc.
I had one of the Altos a few years back

Seriously, if it was a 210, I completely understand. If it was a 12", same thing. But the TS310 seem to be their kinda goldilocks thing (pretty weird this is the one Headrush didn't rebrand). As said, I compared them to some others, they're absolutely fine. But, fwiw, and that's why I would not recommend them at all anymore: Their hardware isn't exactly road ready. Both input pots have been crackling by now and I've only been able to fix one of them (opening everything up, compressed air cleaning, resoldering some joints, contact cleaner...). So yeah, you get what you pay for.
Next things on my list are a smaller 8" monitor, so I can slap the small pedalboard and the monitor into one padded bag, and I'd also like one of those dedicated wedges (with all their connections on the side rather than on the back), ideally a coaxial one. dB Technologies have a rather affordable one - but it seems too affordable. Will see. For the time being, I'm quite happy with my TS310.
I have a couple QSCs I use for gigs and a couple of the Headrush 12s at rehearsal. Yes the QSC stuff sounds way better. The Headrush stuff doesn’t sound bad at all though. Never tried the 8s though.
If anything, the 8s are always considered excessively boomy, possibly because they're trying to compensate speaker estate via DSP.
Yep - if you want a nice 8” monitor - go for the QSC CP8! It’s awesome.

I have it up on a short speaker pole so it’s aimed about crotch level and it rocks! But it also sounds great as a wedge on the floor too!