Guitarists and Youtube

The problem with most YouTubers is the ecosystem requires new content constantly. I don’t care what the subject is. Guitar, cooking, woodworking, whatever. There usually isn’t enough subject matter to do videos on several times a week, year after year. It results in filler, click bait and lots of talking by people who aren’t that interesting or funny.

Unfortunately, to make money YouTubers have to feed the beast. I think content would be much higher quality if creators could make fewer videos and still maintain their income and status but that’s not the world we live in.
Unfortunately, to make money YouTubers have to feed the beast. I think content would be much higher quality if creators could make fewer videos and still maintain their income and status but that’s not the world we live in.
But the “surprised look” thumbnails are ridiculous. It’s like someone got the idea that it helps with views and others jumped on the bandwagon.

Many VERY successful YouTube personalities haven’t had to buy into that conformity.
LOL :rofl

Open mouth and flames, that's all you need
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I admit I had a short flirt with YouTube. Basically just moved everything on IG over there. Why… have no idea. Deleted the whole thing after a few months realizing i don’t have it in me to play the algorithm game. That also kinda made me clearing out stuff on my IG as I know no one ever looks back there. Stupid stuff. These months putting down everything has been a relief on my brain and has made me think about why I even play guitar. I consider myself lucky to be a home player. It’s not hard quitting stupid stuff and get the priorities right, when there so much other things in life making me happy enough :giggle: