Guitar Porn !


Rock Star
Howdy all, so show us what you got :cool:
My current Triumvirate of Tone

Godin Summit Classic Ct-90 with Lindy Fralin p-90's
Charvel Dk-22 Pro-Mod
LTD EC-1000 Deluxe
Upcoming Revstar II (not decided yet on which one)

Godin Rear .jpg

DK 22.jpg

Black Magic.jpeg
@DrewJD82 What have you got stuffed behind the springs there?

I'm currently doing the Steve Vai paper towel thing; but I dunno...

Paper towels. :rofl

I twist it up and shove it up the springs, too. I like banging on the body to get the trem fluttering and it just sounds obnoxious unless those springs are entirely muted. Funnily enough, I actually enjoy the spring sound in my Strats.
Paper towels. :rofl

I twist it up and shove it up the springs, too. I like banging on the body to get the trem fluttering and it just sounds obnoxious unless those springs are entirely muted. Funnily enough, I actually enjoy the spring sound in my Strats.

Ahh... I've not stuffed anything inside the springs yet. I find that the spring sound on my guitar irritates my ears in that presence-y 2.3k range... which is usually a bit of a tinnitus / ear fatigue trigger too.
Ahh... I've not stuffed anything inside the springs yet. I find that the spring sound on my guitar irritates my ears in that presence-y 2.3k range... which is usually a bit of a tinnitus / ear fatigue trigger too.

I only do it for muting purposes, I'm not a big fan of hard gates but love tight chugga chugga metal and the smallest squeak or hnnnnggggg ringing out will rain all over the metal parade.
Snapped some pics of the ones I currently play regularly-

The newest one I'm calling 'The Old Man'. It's going to look a little different in about a month once I get all the new plastic bits in, this new looking white ain't working for me. I tracked down some legit looking poser parts so people will think I'm a road warrior with this pile of stolen valor.

Just a shot of MJT's relic work, there's a difference between chucking a keyring at a guitar from across the room and actually aging it. This feels like it occurred before I was born-

The Gilmour Strat- MJT/Musikraft, EMG DG-20's, Callaham V/N trem
Gilmour Strat.jpg

'97 JEM7V, this guitar will probably always be my 'home' just because the amount of time I've owned it and basically went from beginner to where I am now on it. I don't think I'd play the same way if I didn't own this guitar; there's nothing you can't do on it and that mentality often (made me feel inadequate) pushed me a bit more.

SZ320 w/ Fishman Devin Townsend set-
This guitar is such a workhorse and was originally bought to be a backup guitar to the JEM because I was snapping strings like crazy live. It ended up becoming my main guitar because it just plays so damn good and can take a beating, literally. I felt like I was going to break my arm playing live without a forearm contour so one night after a few drinks I grabbed a chisel and a hammer and went to town, putting my own contour on it. Then I took a blowtorch to it. I love the pick-damage on there, for whatever stolen valor I have with my relics, this and the JEM make up for it. :rofl

Also, best top-mount bridge ever. Why they didn't keep using this bridge I'll never know, but it doesn't turn your hand into hamburger.

I was on the hunt for either a Universe or a 7620, since the UV's were all $2K+ at the time and this popped up for $500, I went with it. I'm unsure about the 707, I don't hate it but I have some PAF7's that I might drop in and add a pickguard to it to make up for the 707 route.

Solar E-Type-
Love Ola but he's following Ibanez in the 'don't expect your customers to learn your model names'. :LOL: This thing is a BEAST and more or less replaced the SZ as my main metal guitar. The Evertune does exactly what it advertises it does and I LOVE recording with this thing because of that. It's heavy as hell, it's gotta be pushing 10lbs or more.

PRS SE Semi-Hollow-
Total impulse buy, it played so perfectly off the shelf and I couldn't believe the top on it for being an SE. I knew in about 15 seconds I was going to buy it. I was using this as my main guitar in my former cover band, doing funk/R&B/rock, mainly staying on the neck pickup in split mode. Once I got the Gilmour Strat this didn't get touched again. I played it the other day for the first time and it's still a great guitar but man, the Strats just blow it away in feel/sound. I'm sending this off to my best friend this week, at least this way if I sell it, I can still see it a few times a year.

Spector PULSE-
For $890 you get the legit Spector sound. Absolutely love this bass. Swamp ash body, Macassar ebony board, roasted maple neck and stainless steel frets.
Warwick Streamer-
This bass showed me that some instruments sound like sh*t in different tunings. Unless this has light strings in standard tuning, it sounds like a pile of dog sh*t submerged under water, covered with wet leaves and decayed logs that were covered in sh*t when they fell in the water from very large animals that sh*t a lot.

There's another 6-7 guitars and a bass not in regular rotation; 2 Strats, Ibanez RG470, a Jackson Dinky 7-string, a Peavey TMNT guitar I was given as a gift, Petrucci OLP (I just remembered I even have this), a Johnson 12-string acoustic I bought for $50 just to record a song intro and a killer Peavey Millennium 5-string.

Oh, I've got a really nice Breedlove, not a high-end one, I think it was like $500, I'm too lazy to take pics though. For the under-$1000 acoustic world, it's hard to beat that thing.