Gt 1000 core - 3 presets


Is there any way to make the three buttons on the GT1000 core pick 3 presets?

I keep trying to give the Gt1000 and GT1000 core second chances, but they seem really poorly implemented
I don’t have Core anymore so going off memory my instinct is, yes, I think you can assign a control switch to call a preset. So assign them to three different controls and pick your presets accordingly. You’ll have no way to do anything else without using buttons/menu or editor unless a long press is able to get passed the control assignment and expose some other functionality
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Struggling to find this, I'm really struggling to see the value in this thing compared to the Valeton GP 200 units we buy for our kids bands at the school. The GP200's have some serious amount of switches and pretty much arguably the same type of limited DSP as the GT1000 core for much less money
As far as I know, presets cannot be assigned to the ctrl switch. It doesnt seem like you can even directly chose presets with the foot switches with this piece of crap. I also have the full GT1000, which, while the GUI is horrible and the fixed nature of FX blocks sucks donkey dongs, can be quite a capable performer, but this Core has the worst live implementation I've ever seen. Its actually worse than the Line 6 Firehawk FX....that takes some serious effort to be that bad
No problems with anything on either unit here. Great UI, easy and the blocks are NOT fixed in any way. They can be moved anywhere you want.
Theyre fixed in that they are only a certain type of block and can't be swapped for other types of blocks.

Well, as a result, patch switching is faster than with any other unit (almost seamlessly) and there's delay and verb spillover for main delay/verb, again something you won't find within the competition.
One may not like the way things work, but in many aspects, Boss really know their game.