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I don't think anyone is too interested in the back and forth anymore, but rather just the info re: latency and latency reporting, but to be clear: for me the bad part about their response was that they didn't actually say they will fix it in the FM3, but instead said that addressing it "would need to take effort away from other areas".
So I don't think it's a matter of them lying or something like that, not at all, but just of it being too difficult of a problem for them to guarantee a fix in the FM3 at all, even though they'd like to fix it (of course).
Fractal seems like an honest company to me and they have a great track record of addressing issues, of course, and again the FM3 is a high quality pro product, no doubts there. So I hope a fix comes, but the response seemed to imply that it may not or at least is not a priority.
Here's the quote again for convenience:
I think everyone here just wants to know the situation since many people, including the OP, do use it as an audio interface or would be interested in using it in that way in at least some contexts, and that everyone here, whether they own it or not, thinks the FM3 is a great product and that Fractal is a good company.
It's great that we have some numbers now that confirmed suspicions both about latency reporting and actual RTL and, through the thread Orvillain linked to, can directly compare them to other audio interfaces too. Hopefully we get more to see if they're relatively consistent across setups.
I know modding can be rough, so while we disagree here, thanks for your work, I appreciate it.
I actually don't disagree with any of that post, including the ambiguous nature of the statement. I can only speculate that they don't have a final answer on a solution themselves at the time and don't want to go too far in either direction with what they say.
Like I said, I'll re-format posts in here to make all the number reporting easier to access if you all decide that's worthwhile. I'm fairly illiterate with this stuff and after several times of trying to sort through what's latency related to the DAW and what's latency related to blocks, I give up. My head is focused on totally different numbers today, but I think it'd helpful if someone made a post as an overall breakdown describing which latency is which and what the known methods are for correcting anything there is. I'll stick it at the front and any additional reporting can be formatted after.