Fender Stratocaster two point trem suggestions

Spaced Out Ace

I have some Fender Stratocasters that I am thinking of replacing the trems on. I am thinking of getting Guitar Nutbusters or perhaps a Kahler Stringlock, though I am not sure how well it'd mount to the Fender headstock given the contours and so forth. Some of the two point trems I have been looking at are Gotoh's VS100N and 510. Preferably, something I can deck, though I will get something to block it if needed so that it is dive only.

Anyone have suggestions?
Get the locking 510 or the VS1300 , use it with locking tuners and a well cut nut and you will stay in tune without the nut buster ( which is garbage. Also the kahler lock can’t be used without fine tuning.