Oh boy, people are dumb, oblivious, out of touch with reality, speculating wildly, and overreacting again.
Huh? That's precisely the kind of uncorroborated nonsense that feeds the uncorroborated nonsense, though.
It's a speculative comment with no basis on anything factual. Pure speculation.
What's worse is I bet the vast majourity of these "sightings" are manned aircraft. That's literally
the majourity of what is in the air at all times of the day and night. Not "drones." Not "UPAs."
But that is boring, and not irrational enough for most.
You spelled "100%, unquestionably, without a doubt" wrong.extremely high
Quite often “common sense” is just whatever conforms to our own confirmation bias.That’s not nonsense at all, it’s common sense. The chances are extremely high that they’re man made
This is old news.... but even in Court "eyewitness testimony" is looked at with increasing skepticism.
Why? Because it is unreliable. People generally don't know what they are seeing when they see it.
Why Science Tells Us Not to Rely on Eyewitness Accounts
Eyewitness testimony is fickle and, all too often, shockingly inaccuratewww.scientificamerican.com
New "info". Look up PteroDynamics X-P4 transwing drone.
Quite often “common sense” is just whatever conforms to our own confirmation bias.
So was carcinogens in the air during 9/11. You really believe these people? I dont trust that lying rooster sucker (who also said we do not have a border security problem) as far as I can throw him.This was already discredited. Unfortunately it came from a congressman too.
Not sure which fortune cookie you lifted that off but it’s absolutely possible to build biases into questions. This is why scientists spend so much time designing experiments.Confirmation bias always involves statements, never questions.
I don’t need belief, I need data. There are about a dozen theories being floated, most of which are obvious misinformation targeting folks’ via their deeply held political views.You really believe these people?