Drones over NJ/NY??

On swedish news

”Americans are panicking over unexplained sightings in the sky”

The expert: “bla bla bla bla (Swedish language) normal bla bla bla people are afraid of other bla bla things bla bla bla

“Now back to the reporter about the santa that got stuck and the school kids that found him in a deer herd (apparently he had a drink to many)”
It is! More so than ever, imo. Ever since 60 Minutes, when news became a form of entertainment, nothing is ever, "Just the facts ma'am."

I, for one, am so jaded in general. And I don't want to spend my time trying to dig all around to tease out the truth. Imho, every source of news slants their stories towards whichever way they lean. It's a shame in a large way, because one of the hallmarks of a healthy society is being informed.

There have been a few major events in the world in which I did do a ton of research on my own to find out what the real truth was, and even when I felt like I had a good grasp of it, I was still left wondering, "Why? What was the overall gain?" :idk

There are several organizations that publish bias in news media data and relevant charts. The good ones will also publish their methodology. Here is one example: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/newsleans/thechart

If you check a few of them out, you'll find consistencies in who leans one way or the other, and who is consistently in the middle.

If you are really interested in world events, it's worth checking in on these from time to time to see if a given source has shifted one way or the other.
...proceeds to present as fact a highly politicized view of a totally unrelated topic that is currently only endorsed by one political party in America and widely disputed by the worldwide scientific community.

A political party that poured over a million documents to come to this conclusion which is referenced in their report. You say you like data, may be worth a read or two.

How about that lying CVNT Christie Todd Whittman that told us the air at ground zero was safe after 911? I guess is was just a coincidence friends and co workers were sprouting 3 heads and rare cancers who worked the pile. As for the "worldwide scientific community", you allude to not trusting one political party in the united states while trusting Chinas assertion they had no specimen akin to COVID? You trust the word of the Chinese government. Why, because it fits the hill of bullshit we were shoveled?

I was basically held prisoner in NY during COVID while Floridians enjoyed basic rights and freedoms. Both states experienced similar case and death counts. The governor of NY at the time, in between grabbing asses, sent folks back to nursing homes to drop dead. I literally got a call from the NYC Sheriffs office asking where I was because I just got off a plane. I laughed at them, told them to come find me and hung up the phone. NY IS still part of America for now, as much as they may hate it.

back to these drones, I dont trust the governments commentary on it whatsoever. If they arent asleep at the wheel, they're downright hiding something. What they're hiding I really don't know or care much, as I'm 1000 miles away from these things.
Just catching up on this thread now-

Any further discussion about government conspiracy/covid/lab leak shit can go to a PM. I’ll delete everything else that gets posted past this point. It’s the holidays and I’m not dealing with any of that shit.

If they ain’t playing a song, they ain’t aliens… and Richard Dreyfuss would say something if it was something! Ha! Or he would make a mold mountain and pass out.
Only kids I’ll ever be having are the canine variety!!
Dogs are the best people, Drew !
