So, the concert:
I was right up front, on JP's side, so that was quite nice. I had some concerns about hearing the instruments equally, and it was definitely different than when I walked back to get a drink. Jordan's keys were hard to hear at times, as were some of JP's Piezo tones. If they were in the band mix.
But the guitars came through fine, probably because I was hearing his cranked amps, and/or his monitor. Either way they sounded amazing!
OMG, John Myung's bass was LOUD!! And strong! The subs were directly in front of us, on the floor, so we felt the punch of the bass and drums. Not overly so, but just enough.
James was fine overall. Nuff said.
JP was so stern-looking most of the time. Dude was there to play music, and he was
Everyone played flawlessly. The visuals were the best I'd ever seen at a DT show. (No, it wasn't the shrooms; I really didn't feel them for some reason. Maybe too old...?)
Song choices were also great, and
PMU..., well let's just say since it sounded so "metal" in that theater, I did enjoy hearing it. Again.
John played many guitars! If I can remember them all..
He played 4 brand-new ones-
- The Silver Chalice 10th anniversary Majesty on Night Terror
- And 3 brand new, not-yet-released colors-
- A JP15 7
- The Malachite Majesty
- The Wolfsbane Majesty, both with the new chrome-covered PU's, as on the 10th anniversary
I think the JP was the only 7 string, but definitely the only JP model. The rest were Majesties.
He used his Purple Nebula on a most songs.
Smoked Pearl on
As I Am
A solid black Majesty
And the new black one with the sparkle finish.
Jordan came out front with his Keytar. Very cool.
A great night, great show overall. And it seemed to me they were very polished. JP maybe a bit bored too, since during one of the endings, he started up with
Paradigm Shift, and the other guys joined in. But then Mike gave him a slashing motion across his neck, I guess to say, Enough!