Dream Theater Megathread NEW SONG POSTED!!!!!

Jumping in! Wish me luck! 😆

John is really getting some of his most polished tones I've ever heard from him. Those ending runs on Bend The Clock are SO articulate and clear!

I'm also hearing some new tones I don't ever recall hearing from him. And his solos have so much imagination to them. Dude STILL has it!!
Well, it's a LOT to take in! The songs have SO much music in them. Last time I tried to listen to a DT album in full, was SFAM, and it quickly became overwhelming. I've never done that since then, but this album has a special anticipation to it, so I tried to listen to all the remaining songs that hadn't been released yet.

I think I need to go back and take smaller bites. Take my time with this one.

Like, I'm actually liking Night Terror more, each time I hear it. So I do think the album will grow on me, and I'll end up digging it.

If I'm truly honest, there are many songs of theirs that I've liked immediately, but many of the ones that have ended up being my favorites, simply took time. In The Presence of Enemies is an good example. There's just so much to digest. I'd probably have to listen to some of these 10 times, before I would even be able to map them out in my mind! They're that intricate.

The production is absolutely top-notch! Just amazing quality of sound. And speaking of that, I noticed something new- a Dolby Atmos mixing credit. I need to find a store that sells that type of setup, and go experience that.

And I'm kind of amazed at all the various tones JP is still coaxing out of his rig. In one song (I don't recall which atm) I wondered if he was not using a Majesty. But I seriously doubt it. Like, I'd never heard him have a tone quite like that. That's cool that he's still being creative with his sounds! :chef :rawk

Check it out those GEQ's @la szum :

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I fell asleep WAY before midnight so I'm going to wait until after work when I can sit in one place and take it in as a whole. The more reviews I read, the more excited I am, which is quite rare when it comes to DT post-2000!
Just listened to the whole record while running on my beloved hills and I don't want to say too much after a first listen.

All I can I can say right now is that I enjoyed it as a whole and didn't find weak big spots as happened with the previous 8 albums.
It didn't blew me away either but looks like a record I'll find my self listening to again and again.

I'm going to say somenthing obvious....Portnoy's drumming is perfect for this band.
I couldn’t help myself and started listening on the way into work, first song had me grinning ear to ear, skipped the singles and went to “Dead Asleep” and more grinning, but I got to work before it finished. I’m definitely a bit more pumped to soak it all in later.
In fairness to DT and Calypso Solos, I am not in the best frame of mind to listen
too deep right now. Have my Son and his GF coming in today for the weekend
and am way more excited about that. In a rush prepping food. I'll give it more
of a fair shake next week. I am sure there is a lot in the Album to groove on. :beer
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Petrucci still sounds like Petrucci but his tone is niiice on this album, very biting. In contrast, I wasn’t a huge fan of his rhythm tones on Dream Theater.
Ok, so two play throughs in so far and I’m still processing it.

But one thing that comes to mind is that Dream Theater did themselves a disservice by releasing singles from this album. With all of the repeating motifs throughout the album, it absolutely demands a complete play through like any concept album.

I still hold to my critiques that they rehashed ideas from previous albums and I’m hearing a lot from Train of Thought. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I would have loved to have heard them bring something new to the table. But that begs the question of what could have been done that hasn't been done before in this particular genre?

On another note, the production is absolutely bonkers. Myung can be heard and Petrucci’s tone is fucking ear candy. Portnoy sounds as good as ever, and I’m pleased that Jordan stepped away from the ragtime this time around. LaBrie? It is what it is.

More to come.
Ok, so two play throughs in so far and I’m still processing it.

But one thing that comes to mind is that Dream Theater did themselves a disservice by releasing singles from this album. With all of the repeating motifs throughout the album, it absolutely demands a complete play through like any concept album.

I still hold to my critiques that they rehashed ideas from previous albums and I’m hearing a lot from Train of Thought. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I would have loved to have heard them bring something new to the table. But that begs the question of what could have been done that hasn't been done before in this particular genre?

On another note, the production is absolutely bonkers. Myung can be heard and Petrucci’s tone is fucking ear candy. Portnoy sounds as good as ever, and I’m pleased that Jordan stepped away from the ragtime this time around. LaBrie? It is what it is.

More to come.
Fox Tv Love GIF by Last Man Standing
Ok, so two play throughs in so far and I’m still processing it.

But one thing that comes to mind is that Dream Theater did themselves a disservice by releasing singles from this album. With all of the repeating motifs throughout the album, it absolutely demands a complete play through like any concept album.

I still hold to my critiques that they rehashed ideas from previous albums and I’m hearing a lot from Train of Thought. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I would have loved to have heard them bring something new to the table. But that begs the question of what could have been done that hasn't been done before in this particular genre?

On another note, the production is absolutely bonkers. Myung can be heard and Petrucci’s tone is fucking ear candy. Portnoy sounds as good as ever, and I’m pleased that Jordan stepped away from the ragtime this time around. LaBrie? It is what it is.

More to come.

When I disconnected my phone from my car earlier, the album started playing and as I brought my phone up to turn it off I thought “Holy shit, I can hear the bass on my iPhone!”

Just packed a freshie and now it’s time to start the album!
Well, that hit all the right nostalgia points for me to love it! I dug it more than I thought I was going to, that’s for sure. I didn’t find the references to old songs to be overdone, more like easter eggs and hat-nods sprinkled in for a couple measures then they move on. There was one tune that started off as “As I Am (Redux)” up until the chorus and then I think it changed up for the rest.

“Bend The Clock” is definitely my favorite Petrucci solo he’s done since SFAM, that might have slid right behind the “Scarred” solo for me. Hahahha definitely helps laying into the Gilmour thing for me, but that was fucking great!

My expectations weren’t very high and this definitely exceeded them, I’m a happy DT fan right now and I haven’t said that since before Portnoy quit.
I'm on my 3rd listen, this time going in order of track listing, and it gets more enjoyable each time. It's just not the type of music you can absorb in one sitting. At least I can't.

And I'm finding things I really like within every song. Like the palm-mute motif early in Midnight Messiah. And yes, there's a bit of As I Am in there also. But I'm ok with that.