Does an amp make sense for what I'm describing?

I think an amp switcher might be my next purchase. It isn't a fun/sexy purchase but it would make me feel better about my chances of not blowing an amp up 😂 but they aren't cheap
Yeah the multiple real amps/cabs stuff quickly starts running into "ya better have a lot of space for it" problems and wanting switchers where good ones cost as much as a decent amp. Which just circles me back to "just use the modeler".
It’s not. It’s a “if you’ve tried as much gear and as you have and are still not happy…maybe it’s not the gear.”
Going to have to disagree in this instance. OP has tried all the major digital units compared to one tube orange Rocker 15 combo amp. Nothing against the rocker but I wouldn't necessarily use that as my benchmark for what a tube amp can be. Their experience with tube amps is significantly less than that of digital units.

So if they have just not been happy with the multiple high end digital devices, why not try a nicer tube amp?

So instead to me this reads, "if youve tried as many modelers has you have and are still not happy...maybe digital modelers aren't for you"

I really don't see the harm in OP trying a tube amp they've always wanted. You all make it seem like Im suggesting he cut off his arm 😂 if he doesn't like it then some soul searching needs to be done or maybe it will make them love the digital realm even more. One person's experience does not fit everyone....which some on here are trying to push. I'm all for trying multiple avenues and experiences as that's the only way you will come to your own conclusion.
Going to have to disagree in this instance. OP has tried all the major digital units compared to one tube orange Rocker 15 combo amp. Nothing against the rocker but I wouldn't necessarily use that as my benchmark for what a tube amp can be. Their experience with tube amps is significantly less than that of digital units.

So if they have just not been happy with the multiple high end digital devices, why not try a nicer tube amp?

So instead to me this reads, "if youve tried as many modelers has you have and are still not happy...maybe digital modelers aren't for you"

I really don't see the harm in OP trying a tube amp they've always wanted. You all make it seem like Im suggesting he cut off his arm 😂 if he doesn't like it then some soul searching needs to be done or maybe it will make them love the digital realm even more. One person's experience does not fit everyone....which some on here are trying to push. I'm all for trying multiple avenues and experiences as that's the only way you will come to your own conclusion.
Meh. If you genuinely think someone with this guys history is Just The Right Tube Amp away from being content, maybe it is a tube vs digital thread.
I think the Suhr PT15IR might fit your bill. It has Fender style cleans and Marshall style gain channels. I'm not sure it is the best choice for modern high gain, but you can get that with a pedal. It has the built in load box and IR loader, so it would be a good choice for direct use.

I'm not sure that a real tube amplifier will actually make you happy for your intended use case, but I wish you luck on your Tone Quest™.
Confused Thinking GIF
I think at this point having an axe fix III, a quad cortex, the Boss IR thing, and the Friedman IR-whatever is a LOT of unnecessary overlap. And you don’t like the Orange. Not sure what else you have at this point. But you could definitely justify a purge.

And I am in agreement with Mongolio that the amps you’ve had have all been in the “yeah, of course that didn’t work out well for you” zone. And a 1x12 v-30 at low volume would probably make me want to give up electric guitar period.

That said…

I think trying to do Fender clean, plexi crunch and modern gain from one amp/cab would be setting yourself up for failure…

…I think even if you pulled that off, you’d still want Vox sounds…

…midi switching for an amp that is never going to be moved or used for live performance is simply a weird want feature…

Move some stuff. Take your time playing lots of stuff, preferably at not guitar center shops. Especially shops that could do a trade on your Orange cab for a cab you like. Find an amp you love the sound of, not one that does the most things. Pay cash, preferably not much more than what you get from moving stuff.

If you can do all of that, you might find an amp that really trips your trigger. Or you might find that it’s not worth the headache and the purge money can go towards the never ending pit of money that homeownership always seems to be…

But given your amp track record, it seems like really spending some long, quality time playing stuff before pulling the trigger is warranted.
I think you’re right @Boudoir Guitar - about the only thing I haven’t really tried is having a nice amp. I’ll have to chew on that while actually getting some stuff sold.
I think you’re right @Boudoir Guitar - about the only thing I haven’t really tried is having a nice amp. I’ll have to chew on that while actually getting some stuff sold.
To be clear, my advocacy is still that a new amp isn’t going to help the situation, no matter how nice - that if you’re not happy with the QC or Axe Fx III, the amp isn’t going to be a sufficiently big improvement to give a long-term change to your level of rig contentment.
Id see if you can keep one of the digital units. Maybe if you can scrape together enough for a used FM3. Still get the fractal goods and then go after a tube amp of your choosing
Id see if you can keep one of the digital units. Maybe if you can scrape together enough for abused FM3. Still get the fractal goods and then go after a tube amp of your choosing
No. Don’t do this. Keep either the Axe or the QC. The FM3 will leave you frustrated that it is always behind a little on firmware updates and can’t run every new feature. You (and I) have both been down that road.