Do You Take Risks With Gear Purchases?

I have gotten some steals in the past but never on reverb. CL, yard Sales, and GC have been my main source of finding steals. Just a few for me..

1973 Twin for 80 bucks in great shape (flipped for 650)
1980's Fender Bassman 1x15 6v6 combo for 20 bucks in mint shape (flipped for 400)
1966 Vibro Champ with foot switch for 50 bucks in ok shape. (Flipped for 800)
Seeing a trend here so..
1987x 50w Plexi for 500 bucks in mint shape from a cokehead. (flipped for 1200)

and a bunch of not so legendary amps and pedals.

These were all acquired 10 years ago and further, back when I flipped gear for extra income.
Yep, shipped yesterday. He sent photos of the packing process etc. So far $809 in on it total. Have to see how VAT shakes out. And hopefully it arrives safely.

Hell yeah. That will be quite the score. Fingers crossed.
Not exactly haha. I called UPS, said there was an unreadable document and they were returning to sender. Messaged the seller, he said that was resolved and they are shipping now. Oddly UPS's website is slow to reflect everything but seems to be in line with what I'm told...
I hate weird glitches or one off problems like that.
How do you plan on sending it back? That's terrible
I'll fix it. Hopefully it's just replace a few bolts and the rectifier tube. Others on TGP say this is common with these amps.

Even if there is something else wrong I have a great tech.

It's terrible how often I have to see him. Amps seem to fail just sitting in storage.

It's amusing to hear his reaction to some of the amps.

He once told me a $4k amp looked like it was built by a kid. I won't name the amp. :)
They list a wide range of items well below market value, because they know that someone will
be compelled to think they found a great deal, and will go through with the sale.
Also seeing lots of sites out there that will throw together a dynamic web page based on Google search terms - for literally anything - with ridiculously low prices and Add to Cart buttons. I'm sure these just harvest credit card transactions off to some account in the Caymans, or wherever.
He once told me a $4k amp looked like it was built by a kid. I won't name the amp. :)

Yeah I have spent 3500 on a guitar just because I wanted it and I have spent 99 dollars on a guitar because I liked how it felt and sounded. I honestly derive no more joy from the 3500 dollar guitar than I do the cheapy that I upgraded and modded myself.
I am a player not a collector so if I play a guitar that feels great and sounds good I really could care less what the headstock logo reads. Same with amps and everything else. For the last 15 years or so my cup runneth over as they say, when it comes to music gear. I have owned/own a lot of more expensive stuff and also mid and lower priced stuff. Some of the cheap stuff I own outperforms the higher priced stuff. All of it? No of course not but a 200 dollar mistake is better than a 4k mistake.

Luckily for me I don't have an affinity for hand wired amps or vintage guitars. If you ask me an old Les Paul into an old Plexi sounds like loose, farty garbage.